Delta Police Election Commissioner CP Umar Congratulates Deltans On Successful Election

Odili Ogochukwu –

The Election Commissioner of Police, CP Umar M. Sanda fdc, has congratulated the good people of Delta State on peaceful outings during the gubernatorial and state houses of elections held on March 18, 2023.

CP Umar, in a press release made available to Africa Investigative Magazine via the command’s spokesman, DSP Edafe Bright, commended Deltans for their peaceful conducts, noting that the success of the election was as a result of delicate attitude of the residents toward the election.

CP Umar who also attributed the successful outcome of the just concluded election to the synergy between the police and other security outfits recognized by the state, said the command had been showered with praises by organizations and individuals for efficient networking.

“The success of the election was largely due to the peaceful conduct of residents in the state and also the wonderful collaboration between the Police and other sister security agencies, which have been recognized by the outside community

“The Command has received a lot of accolades from Organisations and public spirited individuals for working assiduously with Sister Security Agencies to effectively police the State and provided top-notch security, before, during and after the 2023 general elections,” he said.

According to him, “the CP charges all Deltans to unite because we can only achieve economic development in an atmosphere of peace.

“The Command wishes to thank Sister Security Agencies for the robust synergy, the various political leaders for keeping to their promise of a peace accord signed at the State headquarters and he assured them that the Command is always available to render any security assistance when required.”

While extending his appreciation to the Delta State Resident Electorial Commissioner, Rev Monday Tom, Election Observers, Monitoring Teams, and the Media, for their enduring cooperations during the election, CP Umar called for continued partnership with the Police to ensure peaceful coexistence.

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