Five Attributes Every Child Under Parental Care Should Have –

The intrigues of this subject matter will not be comprehended without solidifying the explicit meaning of the concept ‘Parent’. Therefore, Who is a parent? A parent may mean different things to different people depending on one’s background or perception.

A parent, according to Cambridge Dictionary, is a mother or father of a person or an animal, or someone who looks after a person in the same way that a parent does.

In the same development, Wikipedia describes a parent as either the progenitor of a child or, in humans or a caregiver or legal guardian, while Merriam-Webster added that a Parent is one who begets or brings forth offspring, or a person who brings up and cares for another.

The above illustrations portend that parents have gigantic parts to play in raising their children to meet up with the daily and challenging needs of the present society.

There are vital traits parents must inculcate into their children’s consciousness rather than furnishing them with artificial intelligence or impressive outfits. The under-listed are the five basic skills for every child must dwell with.

I. Consideration For the Less Privilege: ordinarily, the Maker of Heaven and Earth did not make all things equal. He deliberately places some people above others. This is proven in the lives of Essau and Jacob.

Everybody cannot be a leader at the same time. One who the cost is clear for should clear the coast for others. As a child, it is inevitable, fulfilling, and appropriate to exhibit acts of kindness in all spheres. Be an arm to the armless.

II. Pride and Apologize: one funny character that quickly drive people to paths of destruction is pride. Pride has deprived most children and adults of reaching the height of excellence. It has destroyed marriages, homes, dreams as well as other commendable thoughts anyone can think of.

As a leader of tomorrow, you must imbibe the attribute of humility and dwells on the base of apology over your wrong steps. Learn how to apologize for your wrong deeds instead of defending your deficiencies. Saying “I’m sorry” for your wrong decision pays a whole lot than exploring your mental capacity to judge the right wrong. Your success in defending your wrong action earmark further damages.

III. Respect For Peoples Opinion: No one is an island of knowledge. You must learn to respect the opinion of others be it in the classroom, environment, or a workplace as an adult. Respecting peoples opinion will not underscore your dignity or belittle your human person.

IV. Hurting: It’s obvious when someone is physically in pain. Identifying emotional pain can be much harder. But, when someone is acting socially withdrawn, sighs audibly, chooses isolation over community, communicates less than before, or generally seems disinterested in things that once brought them joy, we should be teaching kids that these red flags need addressing. Your child may be the friend a shy or lonely peer needs.

V. Environmental Awareness: Your kids must have adequate knowledge of all that’s around them. They should be able to identify, give total account of a stranger and your neighbors. Having this skill will protect against environmental ills, especially, as the country is posed with security threats, ritual killings and child trafficking.

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