Fulani Jihadists Do Not Issue Deserted Threats – Victor Ojei

Human Rights Activist, Comr. Victor Ojei has called on Delta State Government to beef up the security in the state, saying that the Fulani Jihadists do not issue a mere threat.

Victor Ojei said the ‘threat letter’ is real, and that the group does not issue a threat without taking action to complement it.

Ojei stated that the killings in Benue State began with a warning by similar set of people before they executed their evil plot.

It was recalled that faceless Fulani Jihadists faction had on June 13, 2021 in a letter pasted at different locations in Asaba, Delta State capital, threatened to attack to Asaba and Agbor over open grazing ban by Southern governors.

The group however asked governor Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta State to withdraw his leading voice and revert the ban on open grazing in the 17 regions within 72hours from the said date, or face severe consequences.

In a video footage made available to Africa Investigative Magazine, Comrade Ojei who doubles as the Public Relations Officer, Delta State Coalition of Civil Societies, bemoaned that Fulanis had desieged Asaba, and would strike soon.

“We have been surrounded by Fulanis in Delta State. Any moment from now, they (Fulanis) will strike. They’re waiting for the day to come.

Everybody should be ready, and the time is close. The Fulanis do not issue deserted threat. I have been shouting from the rooftop, telling the governor what to do,” he said.

Commenting on the state security, the Activist urged the state government to improve on the security measures by collaborating all the security operatives in the state.

He appealed to governor Ifeanyi Okowa to procure reliable communication facilities for the security operatives for effective policing.

“Delta State Governor does nothing with the security votes he collects every month. He should fund; equip both the community police and local vigilantes through the traditional leaders that are closer to them.

Governor Okowa should provide communication gadgets and jointly work with community police and our local vigilantes protect Deltans,” he added.

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