Hardship: Delta Youth Leader Advocates Intermediate Increase of Minimum Wage, PMS Price Decrease

  • The best gifts for Nigerians for the democracy day held on June 12, 2024, should be total security of lives and properties, garnished with dividends of democracy.

The Federal Government under the bridle of President Ahmed Bola Tinubu has been urged to hasten the implementation of the new minimum wage and reduce the price of premium motor spirit, PMS, otherwise known as fuel.

The president general of Delta State Ethnic Nationalities Youth Leaders Council Worldwide, Enudi Marcus, who gave the urge, while fielding questions from newsmen, said minimum wage increase and PMS price decrease will drastically address the unspeakable hardship occasioned by government’s socio-economic policies.

The masses have been plunged in suffering following the removal of fuel subsidy which triggered high cost of transportation,  placing goods, services beyond affordable rate by average Nigerians.

In his message, Enudi Marcus appealed to Federal Government to reach a compromise with the organized labour over new minimum wage and reduce fuel price to mitigate hardship in the country.

According to him, the best gifts for Nigerians for the democracy day held on June 12, 2024, should be total security of lives, properties, garnished with dividends of democracy.

He noted that varieties of infractions, ranging from insecurity, poor road network, hunger to epileptic power supply have brought the country to its knees.

“We are battling with a lot of things right now in Nigeria. Insecurity has been trying to tear us apart. We don’t have good roads and steady electricity. There’s acute hunger in the land,” he said.

Enudi, who is also the president general of Anioma Youth Council Worldwide, advised President Tinubu to avert committing national resources to pilgrimage ventures to focus on rehabilitation of roads, security and power sector.

“Federal Government should stop pumping billions of naira into ventures like pilgrimage. It won’t help Nigeria and Nigerians. How can a government that has not met basic needs lavish N90bn on pilgrimage? It is not good enough.”

On the 25 democracy anniversary, Enudi Marcus encouraged Nigerians to keep fate alive by doing the right thing even in the face of hunger and hardship, noting that soonest, the country’s democracy will be at its peak.

Recall that Chief MKO Abiola contested the presidential election with Babagana Kingibe as his running mate in the June 12, 1993, which was perceived to be the most credible election in the history of Nigeria.

The outcome of the election was however, annulled by the military government in power then that stood against the advent of democracy in Ñigeria.

Former President Muhammadu Buhari, officially conferred the title of Grand Commander of the Order of the Federal Republic, GCFR, on the late Chief MKO Abiola on June 12, 2018.

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