Obi’s Increased Awareness In North May Lead To His Victory – Dogara –

The Former speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Yakubu Dogara, has said that the rising awareness of Labour Party Presidential Candidate, Mr. Peter Gregory Obi in the Northern part of the country may lead to his victory.

Yakubu Dogara disclosed this while airing his thoughts on the forthcoming presidential elections.

The former speaker who claimed to have known very little about Obi, said the Labour Party Presidential Candidate has a strong force in the North.

“This is what scares me, I don’t know Peter Obi that well. The acceptance he is getting from the north is alarming. He may even become the president. Yes, and I don’t know him.”

He described the 2023 presidential election as a 2-horse race, noting that the presidential race is between the presidential candidate of the PDP, Atiku Abubakar and the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Mr. Peter Obi.

He said, “As a man who understands the northern political system, I believe Peter Obi is a strong force in the north alongside Atiku Abubakar.”

While saying that even as the northerners do not easily accept political candidates outside their tribe, Dogara said it is obvious that Obi has gained a higher ground in the area by changing their perceptions, adding that the north is looking for something new and would not go for the tribe because of what happened during Buhari’s administration.

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1 year ago

Stop this Lamentations. I used to respect Dogara but not more. He just an opportunities. No foresight.
A symbol of political prostitute, where the wind blows.