Rainstorm: 20 Killed, 27 Missing As Authorities Evacuate Over One Million People In China

Afimag.com –

No fewer than 20 people have been killed, and 27 missing as China’s capital region was struck by flooding following the heaviest rains since records began 140 years ago.

Authorities recorded 744.8mm (29.3 inches) of rainfall, the highest since 1891, between Saturday and Wednesday morning at a reservoir on the outskirts of Beijing, the city’s meteorological service said on August 02, 2023.

The amount of rainfall recorded in 40 hours was close to the average rainfall for the whole month of July. Tropical Storm Doksuri has dumped heavy rains in areas in and around the capital while moving northward since hitting the southern Fujian province last week.

Authorities, however, deployed thousands of emergency personnel to Zhuozhou, a city about 60km (37 miles) southwest of Beijing, as the remnants of the typhoon continued to submerge the areas around the capital.

According to the State Media, Zhuozhou, which is at the confluence of several rivers, had been hit especially hard as floodwaters had migrated downstream from elsewhere.

Torrential rain around Beijing has killed at least 20 people and left 27 missing while about one million people have been evacuated in the capital and neighbouring Hebei province.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered local governments to go “all out” to rescue survivors and minimise loss of life and property damage.

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