Senseless Accumulation Of Wealth: Nothing Is Impossible

MOMENT OF TRUTH with Richard.

By Richard Ugbeh –

Absolutely Nothing is impossible any longer. Gone are the Days one thought certain things we heard or read were mere fiction, that in real life it can’t happen. Who would have thought that Human Parts could be sold in open market? Who would have also thought that Banks wouldn’t be the SAFEST place to protect our MONEY?

Personally, I never knew that time Will come when some words I came across in good old days will come to play.” Greed, senseless accumulation of wealth etc are displayed by people from any angle are stupendously RICH by virtue of their positions in the establishment they found themselves. What Does it Profit a man to acquire everything on Earth and loose his soul?

May I ask what is money, and why are we in search of it in a manner that doesn’t Pleases GOD and a few men? Who would have thought that an individual would be RICHER than a country he lives in while some stored RAWCASH in a warehouse, water tank and all the unthinkable places. Nothing is impossible actually.

The Heart of man is full of WICKEDNESS if not why should a man acquire or stole money he can’t spend till eternity still his community is in dire need of clean water, electricity, Children out of school for lack of funds. What is the essence of the wealth if it can’t change the lives of people around YOU.

It’s not always true but “The likes of people one associates with may reflect on the person directly or indirectly”. You can’t hide wealth, no matter how one may pretend not to show his status, definitely it will manifest.

Senseless accumulation of wealth, breeds LAZINESS and CRIME because a foolish man believes that with his money, he can Tumble the WORLD unchallenged, he doesn’t give a damn after all MONEY ANSWERETH ALL THINGS. But GOD IS THE GREATEST. Not man.

Why should I work if my Father had almost a TRILLION Naira and other currencies attached? Does it make any sense. If eventually he decides to work in CBN, NNPC, any possibility that he will obedient servant?

Will he obey the rules and regulations of the Apex organization? I don’t think there will be any YES from the questions. Instead the masses will suffer from the negligence of the WRONG ONES IN THE DOCK.

Most of the challenges experienced in the time past and now, were caused by the wrong ones in position of authority who could not withstand the sight of Naira and Dollars.

Check round some of the richest people, their community is in Squalor, nothing significant to reflect that actually he’s from that community.

MOT appreciate the few that are doing well in the community, we are proud of you ALL. Nothing one does to his community is waste, contributing ones quota is imperative and it goes a long way to buttress the point that truly – truly you are the SON Of the SOIL.

A Tennant doesn’t plant Flowers. Your wealth is for You, family, friends, community and others. Wealth creates inconveniences. NO BE ANNOYED oooooh.

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