Faith O Anekwe
Faith O Anekwe

 Solutions To Infidelity In Marriage

By Faith Anekwe –

Knowing the cause of a problem is a step closer to solving it. No matter how hard you try, you cannot draw out a lasting solution to infidelity in marriage or relationship without knowing its cause. It could spiritual, social or financial standing. In our next article, we shall explain why we summarized infidelity in marriage to the aforementioned three points.

Not having a sexual satisfaction from your spouse can lead to infidelity. The best way to approach the situation is to consult a medical expert to ascertain the condition behind it. A lot of factors could deprive one from enjoying s*x. It may be weak erection, hormone imbalance, emotional factor, infection, lack of proper knowledge for s*x; to mention but just a few.

When the couple is able to know what the problem is, appropriate steps toward bringing it to abrupt end should be taken. If lack of s*xual satisfaction is the basis for the cheating, improvement on sexual act becomes the only solution.

Can a marriage survive in the face of s*xual difficulties? Yes. With commitment and total fear of God, you can vanquish any infirmity in your marital journey. Couples should have absolute love for themselves, when passing through some Marital problems, they should stand by each other and comfort each other. They should have the mind that they are in this together and must fight together. Leaving the house to be with another man or woman is never an option.

To be continued.

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