Faith O Anekwe
Faith O Anekwe

Some Reasons Why Most Women Endure Physical Abuse In Marriage

By Faith Anekwe –

The level at which women suffer physical abuse in marriage is alarming and uncalled for. Domestic violence has become a new vehicle that drives women to their early graves.

Domestic violence has continued to consume souls in Nigeria, Africa, and the world at large despite the intervention of civil societies and concerned authorities to protect women’s rights and dignity.

Signing a marriage registry is different from a death warrant. Life is sacred. You can think of marriage and other things when you have life. There is no future in a marriage where your life is not protected or secured.

To my utmost surprise, a large number of women are not ready to walk away from their marriages no matter the threat. Below are some reasons some women cannot give up on their partners:

(1) Some women come from the background where abuse is seen as normal. These sets of women believe that anyone could go violent to enforce obedience.

(2 ) Most times, the victim feels that she has no other place to go to because the abuser has isolated her from her immediate family and friends or she isn’t aware of the community resources available to assist her.

(3 ) The abused spouse is mainly dependent on the abuser for financial or other forms of support.

(4) Reporting domestic violence to authorities could endanger the abuser’s job and that would put the couple or the family into a more precarious financial situation, increasing the stress in an already strained household.

(5) The situation is further complicated if there are children in the home. As bad as the home situation might be, the abused is afraid that if she reports the violence to authorities or seeks other help she could lose her children.

No matter the reason behind the abusive behavior, there is no excuse for domestic violence. Venting anger and frustration toward another person, most particularly on an intimate partner is never justified.

Violence is not the best approach to resolving internal issues.

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