Recently, there is a strong argument on the relationship that exists between the State and the Church. The duo is two different institutions that share no similarity.
Man is at the center of their pre-occupation. The church, however, has a vital role in winning souls for Almighty God through Jesus Christ. The State in its role is entrusted with the provision of the material needs for the citizens.
Meanwhile, there is interplay in their respective roles. According to Gaudium, “it is man himself who must be saved; it is mankind that must be renewed…man considered whole with body and soul, heart and conscience, mind and will.”
With the above analyses, the Church is determined to affect the lives of men positively, not just spiritually, but in all areas of human existence.
By virtue, the Church cannot stand in isolation over the circumstances that affect humanity. The Church’s mission on the earth must be to assist humanity holistically by bringing transformation in the world.
One of the most important functions of the Church is the total formation of the human person. The formation of human person cuts across intellectual, mental, and moral revelation, social, political, spiritual, and lots more.
The objective of the holistic formation of the human person amount to a deeper appreciation of the nature of the human person, as a dignified being, and as an object.
This holistic formation must be laced with a reverence for God, to whom the human person derives his dignity. When this is the case, man would be able to reflect and actualize himself as a being created in God’s love. It makes man radiate love towards other creatures.
The Church recently has come under attacks resulting from sexual scandals and fake prophecies by saboteurs who call themselves pastors.
Should the conduct of some misguided personnel defeat the purpose of the church? No! The Church must stand to proclaim goodness to the end of the earth.
The Church must teach the gospel values of love, faith, hope, and forgiveness. In all senses, the church must condemn all ideologies that suppress life and human dignity.
Therefore, I urge all the Church leaders to stand strong to play the Godgiven roles of the Church.