Yobe Varsity Gets Equipment From World Bank MCRP

Afimag.com –

The World Bank Multi-Sectoral Crisis Recovery Project, MCRP, has donated Geographic Information System, GIS, and Remote Sensing Technology equipment to the Federal University, Gashua (FUGA), Yobe State.

The equipment include projectors, television monitors, printers, digitizers, GPS units and sensors, and so on.

They were received by the Vice- Chancellor, Professor Maimuna Waziri, and handed over to the Geography department.

A statement made available to Africa Investigative Magazine through the head, information and protocol unit, Adamu Saleh, said the equipment would help enhance the capacity of the institution in monitoring the environment.

It added that it also help in studying climate change impact and managing natural disasters such as fire, droughts, flooding, fresh water availability and crop yields.

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