The freedom of expression includes the right to seek, receive and share information, ideas and thoughts through any media. This is the foundation Africa Investigative Magazine (AFIMAG) is built.
It is established by Odili Ogochukwu with the aim of impacting on the society by providing accurate, quality and dependable media content.
AFIMAG is a non-partisan magazine committed to reorienting, reforming and repositioning Africa through journalism.
Cultivating and upholding the highest level of reporting to keep our readers informed is our priority. ‘We dig deeper to root out what is hidden’.
Our Vision
To reorient, reform and reposition the society through excellent service delivery.
Our Mission
To enhance economic and political stability through enlightenment programme championed by media content.
Core Values
  • Excellence
  • Objectivity
  • Accuracy
  • Mindedness
  • Timeliness
For more details, contact 07063294470 or 08065218288 or 09027433321

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