All You Should Know About The Federal Ministry Of Education In Nigeria

Outline –
Introduction –
Origin –
Aims/objective –
Their contribution to education in Nigeria-
Conclusion –


For a Nation to develop, education is necessary. One of its primary roles (i.e, education) is to build and sustain individual and ensure social development, to enhance knowledge-base decisions, renews and improve the economy and ensures effective growth at all sphere of the Nation.

In other to ensure this optimal growth throughout the entire Nation, it is necessary that the education pattern of a Nation should be uniform. To ensure that all that the student learns in any part of the country in all certified government-owned school is the same across every level /stage of learning is the reason for the establishment of the federal ministry of education.

To make this go beyond principles, supervision is necessary.  The federal ministry of education is the organ of the government with the overall responsibility of laying down National Policies and guidelines for uniform standards, collect and collate data for the purposes of planning, financing and ensuring quality control at all levels of education in Nigeria.

Note that the federal ministry of education is concerned with only government-owned schools. That is, the federal ministry of education is responsible for the administration, financing and control of the federal government-owned education institutions both at the secondary and at the higher institutional levels.

In this writeup, we shall give a detailed analysis of the Federal Ministry of Education and its contribution to the Nigeria academic sector.

When we talk about the origin of the Federal Ministry of Education, we mean the reason for the establishment of the Federal Ministry of Education, the reason why this body was created.

The mandate for the establishment of the Federal Ministry of Education is derived from the National Minimum Stardard Act NO. 16 of 1985 as amended by NO. 9 of 1993 and in the 1999 constituion chapter 2 section 18.

In the year 1988, the Federal Ministry of Education was officially established to direct education and to oversee all matters pertaining to education in the country, this body dose this in conjunction with other sub-agencies under it.

According to the handbook of the Federal Ministry of Education issued in the year 2019 states the reason for the establishment of the federal ministry of education as follows:

1. To build and sustain individual
2. To ensure social development
3. To enhance knowledge-based decisions
4. To renew and improves the economic, social, political, technological, and cultural development of the Nation
5. To provide an education that will be globally reckoned with


The federal ministry of education provides the following services;

1. Formulating a national policy on education.

2. The federal government through the federal ministry of education lays down broad general education policies covering the various aspects of education in the country. These policies are handed over to the various states ministry of education through the state government to implement.

3. Collecting and collating data for the purpose of educational planning and financing.

4. Another major role of the federal ministry of education is the collection, collation and publication of students’ enrolment statistical data. This assist the government to make necessary budgetary allocation to schools, have first hand information about the total number of students in each schools and all over the country.

5. Maintaining a uniform standard of education in the country
They achieve this by ensuring that all government-owned schools follow one curriculum at all stages of learning.
Controlling the quality of education in the country

6. Through supervisory role of the inspectorate service department, National University commission, Nigeria commission for colleges of education etc., the federal ministry of education formulates guidelines aimed at ensuring educational standard both at the state and federal level.

7. The guideline and the bench mark set are complied with by both the State and the federal government-owned institutions throughout the country.

8. Harmonizing education policies and procedures of all the States of the federation through the instrumentality of the National council on Education

9. Effecting co-operation and coordination of educational matters at National and International scale.

10. Developing curriculum and syllabi at the National level.

The federal ministry of education in conjunction with other relevant agencies/bodies develop uniform curricula and syllabuses for use by all educational institutions in Nigeria. The developed curricula and syllabus are handed to the State for use by State owned schools.

To make Nigeria students benefit from vast knowledge available globally
Funding of educational institution/agencies.

The federal ministry of education solely finances all the educational institutions owned by the federal government.

The state ministry of education is the sole financier of all the educational institutions owned by the State.

The State ministries of education provides regulation that guild the admission of students into the state owned schools as well as student transfers and withdrawals.


It is a common knowledge that one of the most vital responsibilities that a Nation owes her citizens is security for lives and property. For this to be done effectively, the various agencies to do so needs education.

Education is very necessary for the citizen of every Nation. Because of its necessity, both the federal and the State government take responsibility in ensuring the education of the Nations citizen.

In a bid to ensuring a single line of education, education across the Nation with a uniform curriculum and the smooth running of education across the Nation, led to the emergence of the Federal Ministry of Education.

BIBLIOGRAPHY retrieved on the 25th May 2022. retrieved on the 25th May 2022. retrieved 23thMay 2020, Time: 7:30pm retrieved 23th May 2020, Time: 7:33pm> retrieved 23th May 2020, Time: 8:05pm

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