Columnist: THE gods ARE NOT TO BLAME

MOMENT OF TRUTH with Richard.

By Richard Ugbeh –

The much awaited Presidential election and subsequent result announced has come and gone, forecasters, commentators were all astonished to the marrow, because their thoughts went contrary to the umpire,s wish while some was in consonance with the wish of the chief host of the election.

All that transpired before, during and after the election had been attributed to many factors, needless to mention the evils that beclouded the whole exercise. The gods are not to blame for our inability to differentiate between light and darkness.

The dust and election fever that griped the electorates seem to have subsided a little, while some are still expecting the great miracle to happen. Prayers from both the losers and the winners as in every situation prayer is the ultimate.

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As it is now, only God knows the next line of action for the rest who felt cheated in this game of numbers with many unseen thoughts running round the medulla oblongata.

Could this be we were not prepared enough or we prepared as expected but something along the lines went wrong, could it be the gods were fighting for some people as a result of that we find ourselves in this situation?.

Nobody celebrates efforts but success while failures has many reasons why he fails. The gods are not to blame. Failure in any contest allows one to get prepared for next by then he must have learnt and corrected the mistakes of the past.

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I remember the story of 7up as if it was yesterday. Determination, unflinching support could have been factors of the success story of 7up. The most important thing is that let it not be an individual triumph and collective tragedy then it’ll be very bad. After war of words we can come together as one big family in the struggle for better Nigeria.

Politics is a game of intrigues meant for people with Lion heart, many will sing a new song and follow the moving train. We have heard alot, seen and done alot in our various capacity to ensure the best emerges,”Osondi owendi” no angle one looks at a tree in the desert that it doesn’t look straight.

Yesterday we were kingmakers, after the coronation, we all will be his subjects and servants, that’s life for you, “No condition is permanent”.

He’s in the throne today maybe replaced tomorrow, the world is rotational while the pendulum can swing to any side from time to time. Good will compensate you if you don’t give up your dream.

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