Delta House Of Assembly Organizes Workshop For Political Staff

The speaker Delta State House of Assembly, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori has called on the political staff of the Assembly to participate in the 2-Day Training Workshop for peace, good governance, and development of the state.

Flagging off the program with the theme: “Principles, Practice, and Procedure In A Modern Legislature,” the Speaker stated that the role of political aides in the Assembly is significant to the prosperity of their heads.

Rt Hon Oborevwori explained the need for the participants to understand the legislative practice, procedure, and the Standing Orders of the House.

Hon Oborevwori assured Deltans of government’s commitment to the capacity building of the workforce.

He explained that the Delta State House of Assembly acknowledged the implication of political support staff who are not careered civil servants in the Assembly.

He noted that the political aides have roles to play towards constructive feat of their leaders.

“It is good for Legislative staff to have the skills to function well in the Legislature to deliver in the job they were employed to do,” he said.

His words: “At this juncture, I should let you know that you are meant to be the engine room of Honourable Members of the House. Whatever your designation, you must compliment your boss’s duty of lawmaking, representation, and oversight.

“You must go out of your comfort zone to research issues pending before the House to prepare your boss for plenary and Committee meetings. If you are operating in the Constituency office, collate relevant activities for the attention of your boss.

“Some of those reported activities could be subject to motions that your boss will move on the floor of the House.

“The ultimate aim of this Workshop, therefore, is to develop a virile political support staff that will facilitate the work of Honourable Members of the House.

I believe that this Workshop will equip you to discharge your duties effectively and render excellent services going forward

Commenting, Clerk of the House, Mrs. Lyna Ocholor asserted that the workshop was put in place for the Political Aides to the Honorable Members of the 7th Assembly to acquire the knowledge for greater tasks.

Hear her; “We have assembled the best of instructors who have a firm understanding of what is expected of a legislative Aide. Ambassador Jerry Ugokwe is not only a former ambassador but also a former member of the National Assembly.

Areas of consideration were ‘Principles of Separation of Powers and Doctrine of Checks and Balances, ‘General Elections of the Legislature and Role of Lawmakers, the Lawmaking Process, and Statutory Instruments.

Others were Overview of the Appreciation Process and Key Concepts in Budgeting, An Overview of the Committee System and Oversight Process and Understanding the Rules of Practice and Procedure in a State House of Assembly, the Role of Legislative Aides and how to Manage your Boss.

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