Group Lauds Enyi Friday Abaja Over Development Strides

Odili Ogochukwu –

A Group, Ndokwa Committee for Growth and Development (NCGD) has commended HRM Enyi Friday Abaja, the Ukwata 1 of Umukwata Kingdom in Ukwani Local Goveenment Area, Delta State for enhancing infrastructural and human capital development in Ndokwa nation.

In a letter dated January 22, 2023, duly signed by NCGD secretary, Dominic Olise Malagu, the group appreciated the Ukwata of Umukwata Kingdom for keeping his promise, saying that they can only thank him for what he stands for in Ukwaniland.

NCGD stated that HRM Abaja has accomplished projects of grand magnitudes in Delta State and beyond which have made lives better for Nigerians at large.

Related story: See The Unfolding Of Events As Inauguration Of Abaja International TradeFair Is Ongoing

Recall that one of his projects, Abaja International Trade Square, Obiaruku, Ukwani Local Government Area, Delta State was officially commissioned on Tuesday, February 16, 2022, to give room for business activities in the state.

The Trade Square has in stock over Five Hundred (500) stores, one hundred and four (104) warehouses, and over three hundred (300) two-bedroom estate apartments.

Related story: The True Story Behind Abaja International Trade Square

While saying that Friday Abaja was in November 2022, reported to have promised that Umukwata/Amai Road Rehabilitation project would be completed by February 2023, the group confirmed that the Ukwata of Umukwata has fulfilled his promise, adding that Abaja is not just an achiever, but a record setter.

The letter reads: “His Royal Majesty. Friday Abaja.
The Ukwata Of Umukwata Kingdom,
Ukwani Local Government Area.
Delta State.

12 January 2023,

Your Royal Majesty,


Sometime in November 2022, you were reported to have made the following promise:

“I am, by the Special Grace of God, putting everything in me to ensure that the Umukwata – Amai Road Rehabilitation Project is ready for use by February 2023”.


“Your majesty, not only have you fulfilled your promise, but you have also beaten the deadline of February 2023. By this act, you are not just an achiever, but also a record setter/holder.

“Such are the characters and attributes associated with Men of Honour, Valour and Greatness! Such is the story of HRM. Enyi Friday Abaja, the Ukwata Of Umukwata Kingdom.

“We don’t see men of such distinct qualities all the time, and as such, we are thankful to God Almighty for giving you to Ndokwa Nation at this era. Talk about the “mysterious and wonderful ways” in which God works, and you won’t be far from the truth.

“Enyi, we can only appreciate you for who you are, and what you stand for in Ukwuaniland and the entire Ndokwa Nation. We can only say “Thank You” from the bottom of our hearts. There are various other major projects you have made happen in Ndokwaland and which have, in no small measure, added a great value to our land and to the lives of our people.

“Our hearts yearn for the very best for you. We pray for good health, longevity and the resources to enable you continue in this stead, which has now become the hallmark of Your Royal Majesty!

May your reign be long. Enyi! Enyi!! Enyi!!! Long live Enyi Friday Abaja. Long live Umukwata Kingdom. Long live Ndokwa Nation.

Signed: Dominic Olise Malagu,  Secretariat, Ndokwa Committee For Growth and Development.”

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