MoT: The Enemy Within

Moment of Truth with Richard.

They’re everywhere; in the market place, Churches, Mosque, neighborhood down to the Community. UBIQUITOUS. They rear their ugly heads out when one is progressing in ones venture or trying to make an impact in the lives of people surrending you or the community.

They never see anything good in others’ efforts, even within themselves, it’s a mission unacceptable and unaccomplished. Antagonists are like Catalyst, so good in ganging up with people with light minds that don’t think deeply before jumping into conclusion.

Antagonists are Enemy in the wheel of PROGRESS, be it in business, within the neighborhood and community. There’s element of jealousy in their actions which leads to Hatred, at times, pretend as if they key into your Noble idea, deep, deep in their hearts many kilometers away from you and are ready to thwart any further efforts one might put in place to further the tempo of progress.

Enemy within with all manner of instruments of destruction in their possession, making mockery of you, calling names not related to you. All to pull him down (PHD). PHD in characters assassination.

Thus, people in this category never aim high, always below average and always talk in group of the same specs. Always believed they can do better than you but if giving the same opportunity behold, nothing tangible will be noticed at the end. People should inculcate the habit of APPRECIATION when the need arises than creating unnecessary enemy for an issue that deserves HANDSHAKE from all and sundry.

“He that sells his brother to an outsiders should know that the outsiders whom he sold his brother to will never have trust in him.” Why much Ado about nothing? It pains to the marrow seen people who ordinarily suppose to think ahead for the betterment of the society, being the people sowing the seed of discord.

Wonderful world indeed. Let’s take life easy, life na jeje. Let’s mend our ways and manner of doing things, ONLY that our wrong narratives could be changed for BETTER.

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