‘No Trekking Of Cows Through Farmlands’, Ayade Warns Herders

Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River State has vowed to take stringent action against farmers and herders who would allow their livestocks stray out of the ranch.

Ayade made the vow while signing the Cross River State Livestock and Grazing Management Bill into law.

He said that there would be no movement of cows in farmlands, noting that the new law does not accommodate destruction of crops and other valuables belonging to farmers.

It could be learned that the livestock and grazing management law would promote peace in the state by reducing interface and cirses between farmers and herders

Also assented was the Public Complaints and Anti-Corruption Bill that was passed by the state House of Assembly into law.

Hear him: “Contrary to what most states have done, we have made containment and control measures to define the beacons of range through which any form of ranching can be done.

“Any herdsman who allows his cattle to stray out of the ranch, there is a penalty. So, with this law, we have protected the farmers and we have protected the herders too.

“This way, we did not absolutely ban but we have controlled grazing, we have controlled movement of cattle and made a provision that all movement of cattle within the state has to be by vehicle.

“So, there would no more be trekking with cows through farm lands. For those who do not know, this law is not designed to entertain the destruction of our farm lands,” he said.

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