Onyemulu’s Strategic Agenda For Ndokwa West With Dynamic Measures For Achievement

As part of an effort to prove his enthusiasm to move Ndokwa Nation to a greater height, the Labour Party Candidate for Delta State House of Assembly, Ndokwa West Constituency, Hon. Chuks Onyemulu has unveiled his strategic agenda for his area of responsibility.

In an interactive session with Ndokwa candidates at Kwale, on January 29, 2023, organized by Ndokwa Neku Union (NNU), Hon Onyemulu disclosed his key points agenda for the Ndokwa West Constituency and how to actualize them for the betterment of the people.

Onyemulu told the stakeholders of Ndokwa extraction that he would provide a community-based representation to advance peace, progress and security in Ndokwa West which according to him, is the key instrument for development.

He said, “I intend to deliver a community-based representation for development, progress, peace and security of Ndokwa West, leveraging on my training, experience and passion for service. Ndokwa West shall be served as one big family, to promote synergy, unity and cooperation among member-communities.”

In a manifesto obtained by Africa Investigative Magazine, the Labour Party DTHA candidate assured the people of the desired representation, with a submission to  give special attention to health sustenance, education, road networks, modern markets and recreational facilities within his province.

Other areas of interest were creation of job opportunities and empowerment, ensure utmost benefit from natural endowments, focus on community necessities rather than the individual’s needs, amongst others.

According to him, these could be achieved through appropriate legislative action, well-furnished budgetary, lobbying, collaboration with colleagues and infrastructural development funds.

See Manifesto:
“Chief Chuks Onyemulu,
Labour Party Candidate for Delta State House of Assembly, Ndokwa West Constituency, 2023.

I intend to deliver a community-based representation for the development,
progress, peace and security of Ndokwa West, leveraging on my training,
experience and passion for service. Ndokwa West shall be served as one big
family, to promote synergy, unity and cooperation among member-communities


i. Provision of infrastructure such as electricity, health care facilities, road
network, educational institutions, markets, recreational facilities, etc within Ndokwa West.

ii. Improved benefits from oil companies operating in Ndokwa West.

iii. Equitable benefits from the government on oil and gas exploration in Ndokwa West, working in collaboration with my colleagues/other office holders and CDCs in the communities.

iv. Tackle Youth unemployment

v. Attention to security challenges.
vi. Focus on community needs rather than individual interests.

i. Use legislative action to improve our people’s benefits from oil companies
operating in our land.

ii. Through the budgetary process, and in collaboration with my colleagues, attract
funding for infrastructural developments in Ndokwa West.

iii. Seek equitable distribution of amenities through oversight functions on
Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).

iv. Ensure that Ndokwa West Youths get their fair share of employment
opportunities in consultation with government agencies and parastatals.

v. Establish a Community Representative Council for regular meetings on the needs of each community.

i. Deploy my people management and negotiation skills to collaborate and
consult with colleagues and other arms of government to get approvals for

ii. Utilize my professional accounting and auditing skills, especially in the
budgeting process and oversight functions to attract development to Ndokwa West.

iii. Work with data on oil production quantities and engage the relevant levels of government to justify a review of Ndokwa West quota.

iv. Sponsor bills that will enhance security of lives and property in Ndokwa West.

v. Be deliberate in matters relating to education and other infrastructure in my

vi. Give attention to issues concerning our Traditional institutions, elders, women and pensioners.


i. Intellectually prepared as a multiple academic award winner at different levels of my education.

ii. About 27 years of working experience (and a Chartered Accountant for over 22 years). A proven manager of resources.

iii. Have managed and grown my personal businesses for about 10 years.

iv. Have served Umuseti, Utagba-Uno and Ndokwa communities at different
levels, using my talent, time and resources.

v. Have contacts within and outside Ndokwa West that will facilitate my performance if elected as a member of Delta State House of Assembly.


i. Town hall meeting every 6 months with the Community Representatives to
review progress and plan for more developments.

ii. Will support every community to prepare and submit a development plan
through their CDCs.

iii. A functional Constituency office through which I can be easily reached.


“President, Utagba-Uno Progressive Union, Lagos; December, 2021 to date. Solely built a culvert at Umuseti Quarters, Utagba-Uno-2012 and have contributed my resources, talents and time in many other projects. Provided uniforms for Umuseti Vigilante members – 2019.

“Have been a pillar behind annual scholarship awards by Umuseti Family Union in Lagos. Chairman, Umuseti Quarters’ Committee on Utagba-Uno Development Union Constitution Review – 2021.

“Funded students studying Ukwuani Language at the College of Education, Agbor – 2019. Have served Ukwuani Foundation Union in several capacities and was the Secretary, Organizing Committee on Commissioning/Launching of UFU House in Lagos.

“Financial Secretary, Utagba-Uno Legacy Forum-2019 to date. Secretary, Utagba-Uno Legacy Forum Constitution Drafting Committee – 2020. Secretary, Utagba-Uno legacy Forum Vision 2030 Development Planning.

“Committee which produced a ten- year Development Plan – 2020. Led the team that resolved CDC crisis in Umuseti Quarters, Utagba-Uno-2017. Secretary, Umuseti Quarters’ Committee on Utagba-Uno Peace & Reconciliation – 2018.

“Have trained some of our youths in my Accounting Firm and got them gainfully
employed by some of my clients. Have supported financially, Ukwuani Language Development Committee. Led Utagba-Uno Progressive Union to donate textbooks to SSS3 students in the right Secondary Schools in Utagba-Uno clan – 2022.”

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