Youth Leader Begs Oborevwori, Onyeme For Improved Security In Ndokwa West LGA –

The Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Youth Leader, in Ndokwa West Local Government Area, Delta State, Hon. Innocent Ugochukwu Uzorga, has urged the state government to address the security situations in the locality.

In an interview with Africa Investigative Magazine, Hon. Uzorga begged the State Governor, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, and his Deputy, Chief Monday Onyeme, for improved security of the residents in Ndokwa West Local Government Area.

He pleaded to the state government to be sensitive to the known challenges in the area, noting that there had been cases of kidnappings, stealing, and other social problems in the oil-rich region.

While appealing to the political leaders to engage more youths, Uzorga said youth empowerment would reduce crimes in the state, adding that the youths have the capacity to contribute toward achieving the governor’s M.O.R.E agenda.

The youth leader and a-two time Special Assistant to former governor Ifeanyi Okowa also appealed to Oborevwori and Onyeme to influence the establishment of Area Command in Ogume to lessen the security challenges within the area.

Africa Investigative Magazine learnt that Ndokwa West LGA, recently encountered a series of monumental killings following the evasion of their ancestral lands by suspected Fulani herdsmen.

The Herders have been ravaging the communities – attacking farmers and destroying their crops to compensate them with ‘peanuts’ after the intervention of the Delta State Livestock Committee members.

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