Topic: Rehoboth
Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
You must approach this new year with a determination, that no matter what is happening you will give thanks.
Even if you are Hungry still give thanks. If you are hungry, it is a sign you are alive. Dead people don’t get hungry so give thanks.
Even when you don’t have new clothes, still give thanks. Only mad people are considered to wear rags. Thank God that your head is still correct.
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What if People hate you? Still give thanks. It doesn’t matter who hates you, God loves you. Be thankful because God loves you.
What if the answers to your prayers are delayed? Still give thanks. God has his timetable.
If He delayed the answer in 2021, He might be preparing it for 2022.
Atimes when God delays an answer to your prayer, it might be because He has something superior to give you. May that be your case in Jesus Name.
Any prayer you pray, that God knows will end badly for you, may He never answer in Jesus Name.
Once God has said something, He is surely going to do it. But the taller a building will be, the deeper the foundation.
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So if God has promised you something major, it might take a little time but it will come to pass.
Message for members of The Redeemed Christian Church of God: God will treat you separately and like Goshen. You don’t need to be afraid of arrows by day and terrors by night.
No plague will come near your dwelling. No pestilence will invade your town or village. Because of you alone, God can spare your whole town.
Under some conditions.
– You must remember that your body is the temple of God, it must not be defiled. Keep yourself Pure. 1 Cor 6:19.
– Open your house for God. 1 Kings 17:7-16, 2 Sam 6:11.
I pray your life will be Goshen, your House will be Goshen, your town will be Goshen in Jesus Name.
If you have not given your life to Christ, He can’t make your life Goshen.
Run to Him now and ask Him to save your soul.
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