See How Gambia Catholic Priest Reacted To Tems Grammy Award –

A Gambian Catholic Priest, Reverend Fr. Kelvin Ukwu has called on Christians get rid of unnecessary comparison, saying that anyone can flourish in any part of the world.

Fr. Ukwu who announced this on his verified Fabook page, urged Christians to remain focus on their struggles to destiny fulfillment, noting that the destination one is running to may not be better than where he is.

He said, “Wherever you go comes with its own unique challenges. Sometimes, where you are running to, may not be better than where you are. The irony in this world is that.

“The couples living upstairs may be doing EVERYTHING it takes to get pregnant, their neighbours living downstairs may be doing EVERYTHING it takes to stop getting pregnant.

The one upstairs is envious of the one downstairs. The ones downstairs are thinking the ones upstairs are living their best lives.

This is the world we are living in. Opportunities and grace are not given equally. Of all the beautiful songs, albums, and features of 2Face Idibia, none won him a Grammy. But Tems who just came on board is basking happily in her first Grammy win. Be yourself!

“Flourish where you are planted. . . Whether in the bushes of West Africa or on the glamorous street lights of Europe and America.

“Rid yourself of unnecessary comparisons this week and you will begin to blossom like the Lily (Hosea 14:5).”

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