The Undependableness Of Health On Wealth

Health means different things to different people. It is not easy to define health as a conglomeration of many things.

From its origin, Health is derived from an English word, ‘hale,’ which means wholeness, being whole, or sound. Health has been defined by many scholars depending on their perceptions.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely absence of disease or infirmity.

From this definition, one is adjudged to be salubrious when he/she could withstand routine stress to meet up daily demands.

However, health is not limited to the total absence of disease. Henceforth, a healthy person is seen as one in an acceptable physical, psychological and social state, with the ability to adapt.

With this in mind, it is imperative to note that without good health, society cannot attain its full potentials.

Health is a sine-qua-non for productivity. To get the excitement of life, one must be healthy to live a healthy lifestyle. It is therefore absolutely wrong to depend on wealth.

Though the truth remains that one needs money to take care of his immediate needs, but the simple things that promote good health can be acquired.

The following promote good health without wealth:

1. Good personal hygiene and cleanliness. This involved wearing clean clothes, keeping your surroundings clean.

2. Exposure to early morning sunlight. This is a good source of vitamin D for the body especially the skin. It helps to keep you healthy.

3. Avoid Toxic Food and Drinks. Eating more fruits, vegetables and nuts puts the body on the right track. One of our major challenges is increasing the consumption of artificial and processed food and drinks that are detrimental to health.

4. Avoid Drug Abuse. Avoid intake of un-prescribed drugs, cigarettes, and excessive alcohol.

5. Regular exercise and exposure to fresh air and water are also important.

Healthy living does not depend on one’s wealth. It can be attained by anyone who desires it. Good health comes in when the body is in a standard condition to function.

Poor poor results from an imbalance in the body. This is captured by Dean Ornish who says that poor health is not caused by something you do not have, it is caused by disturbing something that you already have.

Health is not something you need to get, it is something you have already if you do not disturb it.

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