APC: Rap Up Of Buhari’s Eight Years Reign

Odili Ogochukwu –

Nigerians are jubilating as the unhealthy leadership of Muhammad Buhari which has brought so many killings and suffering came to an end after eight years.

His administration comes to an end on May 29, 2023, after the transition of power to President Asiwaju Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Party (APC) in Abuja, Nigeria.

A regime, described by Benue State Governor Samuel Ortom as worst in the history of Nigeria, the outgone president flunked and his dwindling consequence is visible to Nigerians.

Buhari’s two-term in office is apparent to a country without refined electoral and judicial scenario. A leadership that lacks economic discipline, going awry in all facets of human exertions.

Shamefully, he said, “I am leaving Nigeria better than I met.” What a fictitious and pure concoction from a hallucinating mind of Hatchet’s immediate past president who had created more problems than solutions.

The Nigerian exchange rate with the U.S. dollar in 2015 before Buhari’s emergence was N150 to $1. On May 29, 2023, $1 is equivalent to N750. This record comes from a former President who vowed to equate the naira with a dollar.

The worst depravity that could wipe off a nation from the earth’s surface is to go through similar leadership where prices of goods and services are shot up.

An administration built on falsehood, he comes to power, Buhari told Nigerians that fuel would be sold at N45 per liter without subsidies.

Unfortunately, petrol was sold at N270 paying more subsidies, flourishing corruption. The administration feeds school children with over N680 billion during covid 19 lockdown and numerous corrupt stories that cannot be contained by pages of this magazine.

The birds of the same feather congregate in the same proximity. The government that exacerbates the nation’s security is cherished by elites benefiting from the loopholes.

Buhari knows he failed, hence, he cunningly apologizes to Nigerians, describing his failure as difficult decisions he took while in office. Failure has no other name but failure.

Failed in his promises, former President Buhari chastises Nigerian’s leaders who travel abroad for medications. He’s most consistent in London for medical trip than other leaders.

History won’t be modest to present and past leaders who killed and impoverished hardworking Nigerians for personal gain.

Farewell Muhammad Buhari! You will greatly be remembered for taking Nigeria from top to bottom.

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