Ewu Rejects Ikolo Govt Imposed King, Says Ewu King Is HRM Awarieta

The people of Ewu Kingdom in Ughelli South Local government Area of Delta state, has said that Chief Clement Ikolo cannot become the Ewu traditional ruler.

They urged the government not to impose a king on the community, adding that HRM Bernard Awarieta is the recognized king of Ewu Kingdom.

The locals who embarked on a protest following the approval of Chief Clement Ikolo by the Delta State Executive Council in meeting held last Wednesday at the government house, Asaba, the state capital, said it is unacceptable to have Chief Clement Ikoro as their king.

The Spokesman of Ahanvwa kingmaker’s family ruling house, Chief Anthony Okagbare (JP), said Ewu is a peace loving kingdom, and that, they are not known for any form of violence save for an action that tends to “truncate our only tradition, which is one of such.”

Okagbare noted that he was away when the news on Clement Ikolo’s  approval as the king of Ewu Kingdom filtered in, which he said is totally against the tradition of the kingdom.

He said, “The edit of 1979 spelled it out clearly that it is only the Ahanwa ruling house has the power and authority to crown the King in Ewu, and it was done according to the tradition and edit with all parties taking oath that whatever decisions taking by the family is final.

“We did everything to the satisfaction of all the communities and clans that make up the kingdom. After every process, His Royal Majesty, Bernard Awarieta was crowned on the 20th of May, 2021 and he has been performing all the necessary traditional rites since then.

“The kingdom has only one king, and he is no other person but His Royal Majesty, Bernand Awarieta, accepted Awarieta and he has attended several committees set up by the state government and that they were only waiting to be given Staff of Office, and to hear that Okolo was confirmed as king of where? We have have our king who is Awarieta, Ikolo can be a king in Olomu.

“We are saying that we cannot accept the decision from the state executive council meeting because it’s against the wishes and desires of Ewu people. We will not take it likely with any person who wants to truncate the aged-long tradition of Ewu Kingdom for peace to reign.

“What we are saying is that the government should revert its earlier decision for peace which is in the MORE Agenda of Delta state governor, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori. So the Ahanwa family decisions made to government is final, it is final according to the edit, as whatever decisions the Ahanwa family takes is binding on all. Government is not to select king for us (Ewu).

“We have done our work peacefully, and send to government for approval. There is no where government choose king for any kingdom. If government refused to reverse its decisions, Ahanwa family has chosen and crowned HRM Awarieta as our king who has been accepted by all Ewu people at home and diaspora.

Ewu people protesting against imposing Ikolo on them as king
Ewu people protesting against imposing Ikolo on them as king

“Anybody trying to truncate our tradition, our gods will surely visit them. HRM Awarieta has been performing all the rites this year and even in 13 days time, we will have our festival which he will be performing the festival rites. So the government should do the needful.”

The Ahanwa youth speaker, Mr. Omote Godwin Otogidi said he is from Ahanwa kingmakers family, Ewu kingdom, that HRM Awanrieta won the election contested by over seven persons and was crowned the king.

Otigidi said it was shocking to a lot of people that the government cleared one Clement Ikolo as Ewu king, adding that Clement Ikolo is not from Ewu kingdom.

Otigidi said, “Chief Clement Ikolo can never be our king. Governor Oborevwori should change his decision on the kingship and handover to the rightful person, HRM Benard Awarieta. l expect the government to come up with fact finding committee to look into the issues and reverse her decision.

“Since Awarieta has been crowned the king by our people, he has been participating in all traditional activities in the kingdom. Even the forthcoming in September, he will be the one to participate.

“Why don’t Chief Clement Ikolo drive straight to Ewu community after the approval of his kingship by the state executive council? Rather, he went to Olomu since he knew Ewu people are not ready to accept Chief Ikolo as their king.

“Ikolo is being imposed on Ewu kingdom through his kinsmen from Olomu. There will be crisis in the kingdom if the government refused to reconsider its decision.

One of the contestants during the election, Mr. Independent Asawadegha, said they are eight in numbers that contested the kingship and that they were all given oral interview, and while seven of us failed, HRM Bernard Awarieta emerged as the king of Ewu kingdom.

He said the governor’s approval of Ikolo as Ewu king is not acceptable by Ewu kingdom. “A stranger can not rule Ewu kingdom. Clement Ikolo cannot enter this kingdom as a king. Since he failed during the kingship election, he has never stepped his feet in Ewu land or been part of any traditional activities since he failed.

“Therefore, we wish to state categorically that Benard Awarieta is the king of Ewu kingdom and he should be given the staff of office.

Also, Chief Mrs Christiana Okwodje, the Okobaro of Eghweya (Womenfolk) in Ewu Kingdom, expressed her displeasure over the state of affairs in the community, noting that Chief Clement Ikolo’s kingship in Ewu kingdom will be resisted with “our last blood.”

“Ikolo is not from Ewu and he cannot be our king. We reject Ikolo and government can not impose stranger on us. Ikolo is from Olomu not Ewu, so we will not accept Ikolo. Awarieta is our king. We appeal to Governor Sheriff Oborevwori, to reverse the decision for the good of Ewu Kingdom. There is no way Ikolo can come to Ewu to rule them.”

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