Foundations To Building A Successful Relationship/Marriage

There is no perfect relationship anywhere in the world. Every relationship has its ups and downs. The relationship you envy, no doubt faces one challenge or the other. But you must not take the uncertainties in your relationship to the street.

A 3-time divorcee asked a successful couple she admired so much how they achieve a happy home in the presence of hurdles that come with marriages. The woman smiled and said; “we have our ups and downs, but choose to put each other’s interest first.”

While the divorcee listened patiently, the man who joined in the conversation said, “with total commitment, putting a lot of work makes a marriage pleasurable.

A lot of work goes into building a healthy relationship. One who cannot build a healthy relationship cannot build a peaceful home/marriage. The relationship is like a structure that one has to build with lively stones or blocks.

Relationships or marriages waxen stronger when both parties overlook weaknesses and imperfections. It is, therefore, significant to note that relationship is neither a poverty alleviation program nor a government empowerment scheme. Therefore, your demands from your partner should be less.

A lot of relationships and marriages have hit brick walls due to the inability to meet up certain demands. Though a relationship requires sacrifices, you should not become a burden to your spouse.

The underlisted are some of the tips to help you build a peaceful and successful relationship/marriage:

1. Intimacy: You should be intimate with your partner. Partners need to be close to each other physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially. Closeness would help you to understand your partner better. It gives room for open-mindedness – an expression of feelings, thoughts, and worries. No relationship survives without proper communication or sharing of ideas.

2. Unconditional Love: Of course, love is the formidable foundation upon which every relationship is built. The new truth is that, no matter how hard you try, without love, your relationship or marriage will not stand the taste of time. Partners must love each other as well as sustain the love that brought them together.

3. Do things together: The society we live in today is a busy one, making it impossible for partners to do things together. A lot of people give handsets more attention than their spouses. A marriage counselor suggested that shopping together, eating together, praying together would help build a stronger relationship with your partner.

4. Obedient to God’s word: The scripture directs wives to be submissive to their husbands. As a couple, ensure you obey marital commandments.

5. Patience: Be patient with your partner. A journey of a thousand miles they say starts with a step.

6. Selflessness: You must not be self-centered. Your goals in marriage should be pursued collectively. Your plights and aspirations should not be geared toward selfish interests.

7. Support: You get the pleasure of marriage/relationship when both partners support each other to achieve the height of excellence.

8. Trust: You must be trustworthy. Trust is the instrument that drives relationships/marriages to thrive. You must not build your relationship on falsehood.

9. Respect: In order not to convert your home to the battleground, you must have respect for each other. The relationship is hard to work. Therefore, one must learn conflict management.

10. Prayer: With God, all things are possible, for what God cannot do does not exist. Talk to God in prayers, and He will answer you.

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