Here Is Delta Speaker’s Address On Resumption Of Plenary Today

The Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori has commended the State governor, Senator Dr Ifeanyi Okowa, the State Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Olorogun (Barrister) Kingsley Esiso, leaders of the party, the party delegates and others for the overwhelming support and election as the Governorship Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party in the State.

In his welcome address on the resumption of plenary for the Fourth Session of the Seventh Assembly, on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022, the Speaker expressed gratitude to all those who made his victory at the PDP Governorship Primary possible just as he made it clear that there was no victor and no vanquished.

“My distinguished and ever reliable colleagues, it is my pleasure to welcome you back to plenary after the long adjournment occasioned by the activities of our respective parties primaries.

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“I thank God Almighty for His protection throughout the consultations to our various constituencies and across the State. May I also thank God Almighty for the peaceful and successful conduct of the party primaries in the State.

“Distinguished colleagues, let me seize this opportunity to request that you join me in thanking His Excellency, Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, our able Governor and leader of the Peoples Democratic party,PDP, in the State; the State Party Chairman and other party leaders, the party delegates, members of our great party ,the PDP and Deltans for my overwhelming endorsement and nomination as the Governorship Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party in Delta State.”

The Speaker also used the opportunity to specially thank the National leadership of the PDP, led by the National Chairman, Senator (Dr.) Iyorchia Ayu, for ensuring a hitch-free primaries and for providing a level playing field for all the aspirants who participated in the primaries in Delta State.

While congratulating everyone of them nominated as candidates to contest under the platform of our great party, the PDP, in the forthcoming general elections, the Speaker in the same vein, congratulated all the other contestants and reassured them that there was no victor and no vanquished, saying; “It is a victory for everybody and for the party. We all belong to the same family, the PDP. Let me therefore congratulate all of us”.

“Honourable colleagues, let me specially congratulate all of us for the successful celebration of the 3rd anniversary of the 7th Assembly. On behalf of Members and Staff of the Delta State House of Assembly, I wish to express our profound appreciation to His Excellency, Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, our amiable Governor, for honouring the invite of the House as the Special Guest of Honour at the Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 12th June, 2022. We are indeed very grateful for his support to the House”, Rt Hon Oborevwori said.

He also expressed appreciation to the Deputy Governor, His Excellency, Deacon Barrister Kingsley Otuaro; Rt. Hon. Nicholas Mutu, Member House of Representatives; the Chief Judge of Delta State, the Honourable Justice Theresa Diai; the President Customary Court of Appeal, Delta State, the Honourable Justice Patience Elumeze; former presiding officers and non sitting members of the House; the royal fathers led by the Chairman of the Delta State Traditional Rulers Council, HRM Orue1, the Orodje of Okpe Kingdom; the State PDP Chairman, Olorogun (Barrister) Kingsley Esiso and all the party leaders; the Local Government Councils Chairmen and everyone that came to celebrate with them.

“I will not forget to extend our gratitude to our spouses whose prayers and support are invaluable. We appreciate all of you”, he added.

The Speaker who is also the National Deputy Chairman of the Conference of Speakers of State Legislatures of Nigeria, reminded his colleagues of three bills at different stages pending in the House before they proceeded on the last adjournment.

He said that;”The Bills are: Delta State Electric Power Sector Reform Bill, 2022; Delta State Environmental Conservation Bill,2020; and Delta State Farmers Registration, Monitoring and Certification Bill, 2022. Similarly, the House also received the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 ( Fourth Alteration Bills ) from the National Assembly requesting the Resolution of the House on each of the Bills transmitted to us”.

The Speaker implored all of them to double their efforts and energy towards early and timely consideration of the Bills pending before the House, noting that; “I trust in our ability and vigour as always to do the needful”.

“I must at this juncture commend our efforts in the passage of people oriented Bills, Motions and Resolutions for the development of our dear State since inception of the Seventh Assembly.

“Our collective actions have aided the Executive Arm of Government in the execution of policies and programmes of the State government”, he stated.

Rt Hon Oborevwori added; “I wish to also commend our staff for their commitment and dedication to duty which has translated to excellent service delivery by the House.

“I make bold to say that Delta State House of Assembly will continue to be one of the most vibrant State Houses of Assembly in the country. Finally, I wish to thank you my dear colleagues for your encouragement, understanding and support for the leadership of the House.”

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