How The Lady’s Mind Operates

By Faith Anekwe Ogochukwu –

The lady’s mind in every relationship is very important, whether married or single. A Lady’s mind can be her thought, interest, ideas, position, and request, to mention but a few. What she wants and doesn’t want at a particular, what she wants at every moment of her life and in the relationship.

A lady’s mind can be what she wants in the future. A lady’s mind in a marriage or relationship can be annoying and sometimes interesting. As a man in a relationship with a lady or married to a lady, you have to know the mind of your woman. The lady has different things in her mind at every minute.

You cannot know a lady’s mind by just being with her for a year or two. A man knows the mind of a lady throughout his lifetime with her. By dating her, being married to her, bearing and bringing up the children with her; growing old with her, you keep learning her mind.

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In a relationship, the lady’s mind must be known, in order to love her well. She may have marriage in her mind while the man may want to have sex with her without any mention of marriage to her. When this happens there will be issues in the relationship. A man cannot love a lady well, if he doesn’t know her mind. There is a general idea that “one cannot know the mind of man , yes that is true, but on a different note, what a man says, he means it but what a woman says or does, she may not mean it. She will say something and act otherwise

A woman may look beautiful outwardly and wears always a smiling face, but bitter inwardly. A man can make an attempt to kiss her, but she may want just a warm embrace to calm her down. Kissing her at that moment may create a big issue between them. A lady’s minds may be very subtle and deceptive. A lady can make a man fall head over heels in love with her just to get a single thing from him. It could be his money, position, property, and more seriously, his life.

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The man will be busy trying all he could to make the relationship work. While the lady who he doesn’t know her mind is planning to snuff life out of the innocent, hardworking and clueless young man. A lady’s mind may be very generous. In some relationships, a lady goes out of the way to give her all to the man, but the man will be very busy and clueless, he won’t notice any of these. She offers to drive the car, pay the bill, help the man to cook, wash, Clean the house and finally gives her body to the man.

When a man sees a lady doing all these, it should be clear to him that, that is her mind. The man may end up not getting married to her, but she has just done her mind. The lady on one side may not want to go partying with the man, because that is not her mind, but lack of knowledge of the lady’s mind will make the man pick up quarrel with her.

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When talking about sex, a man must know the lady’s mind, he should not just barge in and ask for sex, sex may not be what the woman needs at that moment, it can just be a peck and in another instance she will need the sex badly. The man may want to give her the sex but along the line, she may change her mind and ask for just a kiss and romance.

This is how the mind of the woman operates. In every relationship the man should be able to know his lady’s mind and work in accordance. A man can know a Lady’s mind when: There is constant communication: Good communication is the life wire of every relationship/ marriage, when two people are in a relationship; they try to grow fond of each other especially when they are from different family background, different religion, culture and tradition.

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What should be discussed should be mainly on the lady’s mind. There should be no room for frivolities while discussing on the lady’s mind. Because lack of knowledge of the lady’s mind will bring about poor background for expression of love and feelings. Thereby jeopardizing the future of the relationship. A man can know a lady’s mind when:  There is true love: love, they say, conquers all fears, when a man truly loves a lady, not lusting after her, but “Loves” her. When a man loves a lady and can defend her at all times even in the presence of his parents and relatives. He spends quality time with her, hugs her every time and makes her feel loved, tolerance at all times. There is every possibility that he will know her mind.

A man that truly loves, a lady and truly cares will know the lady’s mind. Finally, it takes proper and absolute observant, loving, truthful and intelligent man to know a lady’s mind. When every man knows his lady’s mind, relationships and marriages will be the sweetest thing on Earth.

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