How to evoke highest level of commitment from your children

By Goodluck Odili

 The Parental impact on the Academic success of the Child

The impact of parents on the general success of children cannot be over-emphasized. Parents are responsible for nurturing their children to acquire necessary skills to achieve set goals. Building strong foundations are imperative to overall success – both academic and live as a whole. Parents who desired success for their children must prepare them mentally and physically from kindergartens so that they can build on a solid foundation.

The development of the Child is categorized into two segments: Academic Success and Talent Exploration. This material takes its root on Academics Success because intelligence directly or indirectly plays vital part in Talent Exploration.

Most times, the indiscreet attitude of some parents toward their children is responsible for their poor performances in school and other places of work. This piece gives credence to child’s upbringing for better tomorrow. The following factors will help Parents equip the child to succeed academically:

  • Evaluation: It is of paramount importance for parents to assess the performances of their children during teaching and/or learning sessions. Thorough evaluation of the child; and analyzing his test and examination scripts helps the parents to figure out his areas of strength and weakness. Parents are encouraged to work on the child’s deficiencies. This will strengthen the child in his or her weak areas and overtly improve on his performance. Parents should strive to assist the children with their assignments.
  • Academic Equipment: Provide your child with necessary arsenal for academic success. Prompt payment of the child’s school fees, provision of educational materials such as textbooks, notebooks, pen, pencil, mathematical set and other required items for effective learning will enable the child do well in school. Examination success and good conduct is a reflection of effective learning.
  • Reinforcement: Reinforcement is the act of stimulating a child to strengthen a desirable behavior or attribute. A child can be reinforced positively when he/she performs brilliantly in examinations by giving him a gift, or say words of encouragement like ‘Thank you son’, ‘Keep it on’, ‘I know you will make me proud’, ‘You are the best’. These little things go a long way motivating the child to do more. A child can also be reinforced negatively if he/she is exhibiting unacceptable trait or perform poorly by punishment. Negative Reinforcement leads to extinction of undesirable and unacceptable behavior of a child.
  • Time Management: Time Table has an immense role to play towards time management. Help your child to manage his time by preparing a time table for him. Encourage the child to stick to it. Time Table will enable the child to know when to play, watch TV and study his books.
  • Multitask: Avoid overloading the child with house work. Do not engage the child with house chores during study time as children are easily influenced by little things. This will help the child to remain resolute. It prevents distractions. Ensure your children do not put the habit of truancy in school.
  • Posture: Ensure your children keep good posture. Keeping good posture while learning allows taking in of more oxygen; which improves cognition strength as the brain uses 25% of body oxygen and reduces back and neck pains.
  • Conducive Environment: The study environment should be conducive for your children. Parents are advised to furnish a mini library at home for the benefit of the children.
  • Nutrition: It is good to provide balance diet for the child, as food rich in vitamins, minerals and protein contribute significantly to mental stability and enhance the child’s physical well being. Drinking of plenty water enhances circulation of blood which supply the brain with oxygen and nutrient.
  • Relationship: Monitor your child’s relationship with others. Ensure your children mingle with those that shared the same value you desired. Do not be deceived; evil communications corrupt good manners. (1Corinthians.15:33).


Talent Exploration

Talent Exploration is the second segment of this material. Critical and rational observation of the child at tender stage helps in talents discovery. Parents are needed to grow the child by supporting him morally and financially. If need be, hire a coach to bring the best out of him. Do not discourage any child that showcases a talent. No one knows the destiny of a child; but one can help at nurturing it when discovered. Early discovery of talents is an advantage. Children develop psychomotor skills faster and more efficient than adults.

Parents engage your children in some artisan work during long holidays to build the experience that prepares them against challenges. Also, expose your children to your professional work. Teach them your business; they can outperform you. Open saving account for your children and save money for their future. Encourage them to be industrious. No one is dullard. One who is not good enough in academics may be resourceful in another field.

A farmer that desires bountiful harvest will plan for it, work for it to reap bountifully. If you want your children to stand out, plan for it, work for it and ultimately, your children will change the world. Above all, pray for them constantly as success hardly come without God. Psalm 118:25

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