Insecurity: Bandits Attack Catholic Church, Roast Priest To Ashes –

Bandits attacked SS Peter and Paul on Sunday, January 15, 2023, in Kafin Koro Community, Paikoro Local Government Area, Niger State burning the resident priest, Rev. Fr. Isaac Achi to death.

The bandits invaded the community at 1 a.m. and cropped up the area with gunshots while heading to the parish house to execute their evil objective.

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A source who spoke with our correspondent on condition of anonymity said the bandits were in two groups. According to him, one of the groups proceeded to the parish cottage, while others stayed in the town shooting in all directions to scale people away.

Africa Investigative Magazine gathered that the bandits set the Priest’s house ablaze and waited until it was reduced to ashes as they could not have access to the house.

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The incident contradicted the position of the presidential spokesman, Femi Adesina, who has recently announced that insecurity has been brought to a standstill in the country, urging Nigerians to thank the Federal Government under the leadership of President Mohammed Buhari.

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