Macaulay Bags Maritime And Land Security Services’ Award –

The management and staff of the Maritime and Land Security Services, facilitator of the NIGERIAN MARINE CORPS BILL currently in the National Assembly, Abuja on Friday honored former Secretary to Delta State Government, Comrade (Chief) Ovuozourie Macaulay, the Okiroro of Isoko Nation with an award of Excellence in recognition of his humanitarian services.

The Award which was presented to Comrade Macaulay at his Warri residence by the Director General of Maritime and Land Security Services, Prince Idodo E. Friday, accompanied by management and staff of the body.

While presenting the award, Prince Idodo E. Friday, said, “The sole aim and objective of the NIGERIAN MARINE CORPS BILL are to secure the safety of Nigerian coastal and inland waterways. The bill if passed into law, is expected to go a long way in stemming the high tide of sea piracy on water high way and it will also serve as a means of employment for thousands of unemployed Nigerian youths.

“The Proposed NIGERIAN MARINE CORPS is to synergies and compliment the NIGERIAN NAVY for more effective and more proactive security services in our waterways and oil pipelines including our coastal waters and creeks. Our duties is to fight Oil theft, Illegal bunkering and Pipeline vandalism.

“We the management and staff of Maritime and Land Security Services, facilitator of the Nigeria Marine Corps bill, are here to honour our Leader and father, Comrade (Chief) Ovuozourie Samuel Macaulay, former Secretary to the Delta State Government, in recognition of his humanitarian services in our dear State and Nigeria at large.

“We are also here to install him as Grand Patron of Maritime and Land Security Services and Nigerian Marine Corps. He is well known for his kind and simple life style, also we know him as a Humanitarian with passion to always set the pace for the public to ride on smooth road to success, so the award is not just for today but his past achievements and commitment to human capital developments.”

Responding, Comrade (Chief) Macaulay said: “I thank the management and staff of Maritime and Land Security Services for honoring me with this award of Excellence and also investing me as their Grand Patron.

“I believe that the role of Maritime and Land Security Services and Nigerian Marine Corps will no doubt compliment the activities of the Navy as it affects the security of our water ways.

“The Nigeria armed forces has been over stretched as it now has the burden of internal security to its original and constitutional role of protecting the country from external invasion and the increase in crime rate without corresponding increase in checkmating crime.

“I therefore believe that your existence when the bill is finally passed will boost Government effort at managing oil theft and piracy in our water ways.”

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