Moment Of Truth: Giving What You Don’t Have

MOMENT OF TRUTH with Richard Ugbeh –

“A for Apple. D for dapple and C for capple. Yes, that was discovered sometime in search of a determined parent who wants good education for his only child, as he was half baked. Infact, not bake at all. As a measure adopted in ensuring that the only child doesn’t derail from what was thought in class, the young illiterate father from time to time engages the innocent child in the rigorous exercise of repeating what was learnt in class.

What the young man got as a result from his child was better imagined than experience: A for Apple. B for Babble and C for capple.

At the end of the child’s reading, the father was happy while the kindergarten child narrowly escape the wrath of the over anxious illiterate father.

The theme of this volume of MOT is that “You can’t give what you don’t have” and inquisitiveness at times could lead one to exposure. Bringing the original stuff one is made of. The big question is, why are we in a hurry even when no one is purshing us? Why do some people claim what they are not?

So many, why’s relating to the action of our dear over anxious father. ILLITERACY IS A DISEASE. If not he would have discovered that the young chap was unknowingly playing on the dad unintelligence. What a man deserves equally comes to him. Human beings can be fooled at times, no matter the education and wiseness. No one is Mr. No ALL, hence, at times, one falls a victim to nonentities.

I remember one of the hit tracks of the Cannery master, Dr. Orlando Owoh that says, “A Wise man who dies at the back yard of a foolish man, e get as e be” end of quote.

Claiming what you are not is Impersonation. Why not be yourself and let peace reign. Ones shadow becomes a threat to oneself and his close associates. Manner makes the man, be Upright, a shinning example to both old and young after all what is the essence existence with a dainted record not worthy of Emulation. Be wise, be vigilant and be able to differentiate a word that sounds same and makes different meanings. Don’t be deceived. All that glitters is not GOLD.

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