Faith O Anekwe
Faith O Anekwe

Some Factors To Put Into Consideration Before Saying ‘I Do’

Faith Anekwe –

Many women,  attracted by the beautiful wedding gowns and decorations they see at wedding ceremonies wish to marry immediately.

While the thought to settle down crowned some others who see their friends and age mates getting married.

Marriage is not about beautiful wedding gowns, gold shoes, and jewelry. It is about responsibility, maturity, and emotional stability.

Stories for you:

Many women are carried away by fancies about marriage without sitting down to think about what marriage is all about to know their reasons for saying, “I do”.

That a woman is beautiful and has all it takes to get a man does not guarantee a happy home. That she fasts and prays every day does not guarantee a beautiful and happy home. There is more to sustaining a marriage.

Every woman oughts to know her reason for saying, “I do”. Am I saying “I do ” because the man is handsome or wealthy? Note that physical features will fade away one day.

Am I saying “I do” because I have gotten to a marriageable age? Getting to an age of marriage does not guarantee a peaceful marriage. It takes a mature mind to build an acceptable home.

You can be 40, and still can’t manage your home, while a young woman in her 20s can take full responsibility as a wife and a mother of a home.

A lady who can not build a home has no reason to say “I do” to any man. It takes two to tango.

Every woman must know the following before saying “I do” to any man.

The number one question to ask yourself is: Am I ready to be a mother? Being a mother is not all about giving birth to a child but being able to care for the child right from the day of conception.

Throughout the pregnancy period, during and after birth, from cradle to kindergarten, to primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.

During this period of the child’s life, you are going to remain a good mother, nurturing, instructing, training, listening to him or her, and giving your advice.

There will be no time to quit or go for a break, it is going to be a lifelong journey with the child. You will be ready to endure and accept insults, sufferings, and some forms of ingratitude from your child.

Secondly, ask yourself: am I ready to be a good wife? Being a wife doesn’t end at bearing the title “Mrs”, cooking for your husband, washing his clothes, having xxx with him, bearing children for him, and so on.

These are what we see in almost every marriage and that is all every woman thinks she has to do as a wife. Support!

A resounding round of applause will always go to a woman who does all these. But these are not all that is required of a good wife.

Recall that God created the woman as a helpmate. This means that a wife should always be ready to go down on her knees to pray and support her husband.

She should be supportive in all aspects of life. She can build her husband in his occupation. Some women know nothing about what their husbands do for a living.

A good wife would know more about her husband, as well as his sources of livelihood.

Knowing his occupation would give ground in helping him. A woman who is not ready to help her man has no reason to say “I do”.

A woman should also be ready to endure pains, sufferings, and sometimes, ingratitude on the part of a man to get the gains and joy of marriage. It takes a patient and understanding woman to be a good wife.

At times, a woman faces rejection from her husband’s family. Will you be strong enough to endure or will you allow the rejection to take the best part of you?

These are part of the elements a woman should put into consideration before saying, “I do”.

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