South Africa Braces Up As Omicron Variant Blows New Covid-19 Wave

South African government has fortified its hospitals following the new wave of Omicron coronavirus variant.

President Ramaphosa Cyril disclosed this today while inspecting the hospital facilities at Johannesburg, one of the state capitals.

Africa Investigative Magazine gathered that Omicron was discovered in South Africa in November 2021.

It was learned that the government would in no distant time, call upon the Country’s National Coronavirus Command Council to map out safety measures for its citizens.

At press time, more than 16, 000 citizens were affected last week, and 2, 300 had been affected on Monday.

It was verified that the scourge of Omicron is in the country’s major cities as the president urged the people to get vaccinated against COVID-19

Ramaphosa Cyril said, “vaccination is essential for our economic recovery because as more people are vaccinated more areas of economic activity will be opened up.

“We are keeping a close eye on the rates of infection and hospitalization.”

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