Traditional Rulers Told To Prioritize Security Matters In Delta –

Delta State Governor, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori has charged traditional rulers in the state to give prominence to security matters in their areas of delivery networks.

Oborevwori, who gave the charge on September 20, 2023, while presenting Staff of Office to His Royal Majesty, Macaulay Popo Ovbagbedia, Uhurhie-Osadjere 11, the Owhorode of Olomu Kingdom, in Ughelli South Local Government Area, Delta State, said his administration will give unlimited attention to the security sector.

Represented by the Deputy Governor, Sir Monday Onyeme, the governor described the traditional institutions as a priceless legacy in African society, adding that they have major parts to play in achieving government policies.

Onyeme, however, urged the Olomu monarch to be transparent while upholding at all times, the virtues of justice, fair play and equity in all his dealings with his subjects.

“In everything that you do and in every decision you take, I implore you to place the interest of the majority of your people and the fear of God, above all other considerations.

“Please, ensure that you encourage free flow of communication, dialogue and consultation with all segments of your kingdom,” he said.

He congratulated the Owhorode for the successful ascension of the throne of his fore fathers, and commended the people of Olomu for their cooperation and contributions to making the event a reality.

“The event of today marks the confirmation of the various traditional rites and processes, which commemorate the ascension to the throne of the Owhorode of this kingdom.

“I am happy with the peace and love that prevailed and attended all the processes, because they are the hallmarks of the confidence reposed in him by the people of Olomu, including their friends, well-wishers and now, Delta State Government.

“I also urge you to be transparent while upholding at all times, the virtues of justice, fair play and equity in all your dealings with your subjects.

“In everything that you do and in every decision you take, I implore you to place the interest of the majority of your people and the fear of God, above all other considerations.

“Please, ensure that you encourage free flow of communication, dialogue and consultation with all segments of your kingdom.

“As an age long grassroots leadership institution, government will continue to rely on traditional rulers as reliable medium of reaching the people,” he said.

Earlier, the Chairman of Ughelli South Local Government Area, Hon. Richard Kofi, assured the people that the council would continue to provide democratic dividends to the people.

In a welcome address read on behalf of Olomu Kingdom by the President General of Olomu kingdom and former President General of Urhobo Progressive Union (UPU) Olorogun Moses Taiga, appreciated the Delta State Governor, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborewori for finding Olomu sons worthy for appointments into various exalted political offices in the state, as well as patronizing one of its own, Olorogun John Oguma, owner of Obakpor Engineering through the award of various roads and other projects across the state.

He also commended the State Government for endeavouring to build the first hospital in Olomu at Ovwor Town, just as he appealed for the early completion of the project.

He said Olomu kingdom is home to over 15 vibrant towns, each contributing to the diverse tapestry of our culture and traditions. These towns include Agbon, Akperhe, Aloba, Ogoni, Okpe, Ophori, Okpavuerhe, Oguname, Okpare, Ovwodokpokpo, Oviri, Ovwor, Ophorigbala, Agbazo, and Umolo, each with its unique history and significance.

He appealed to to the governor to assist the kingdom in building a befitting Palace for our King, provide him an official vehicle, establishment of a vocational academy center and a technical institutes in Olomu Kingdom and ensure t he promotion of security in the kingdom amongst other demands.

He said, “Oil-bearing communities in Olomu must be given adequate infrastructural and socio-economic development in recognition of their sacrifices and contribution to Delta State and Nigeria.”

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