Wife Drags Hubby To Court For Stuffing Tissue-Paper In Her Private Part

A civil servant, Mrs Esther Anaagu, has on March 03, 2022, instituted a legal action against her husband, Emmanuel Anaagu, for what she described as inhumane treatment.

Mrs Annagu in her correspondence before a Customary Court in Jikwoyi, Abuja, alleged that her husband ‘stuffed’ a tissue-paper in her private part after sex.

Her pertition reads; “My husband stuffs a lot of tissue in my private parts after sex.

”I summoned the courage and confronted him one day about this. He denied doing that.

“So, one day, I set a trap for him and caught him wrapping the tissue paper on his private parts before sex,” she said.

The woman who suspected her husband to be a ritualist, alleged that he was making attempts on her life.

The defendant, Emmanuel, who is a taxi driver, denied the allegations.

The presiding judge, Mr Labaran Gusau, advised the couple to resolve their differences for the benefit of their children.

He, however, adjourned the matter until March 24, 2022 for the couple to resolve the issue.

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