13 Best Sleeping Habits For Married Couples

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There’s no doubt that the inability of the federal government under the leadership of President Ahmed Bola Tinubu has cut the strings holding some families together.

Most of the married couples, as a result of hardship, do not uphold the ethics and simple principles that nourish marital union.

Truly, it is difficult to exhibit tenderness, fellowship and warmness after a daily struggle with nothing to account for it. A relationship expert once said “Love without money is lost”. Below are some best sleeping positions suggested for married couples

1. Soft Clothes: Ensure you wear something so easy to remove, comfortable and attractive. Don’t give your partner another task of peeling off your clothes.

2. Paste: Make sure that your mouth is in a good state to promote ki!sses.

3. Respect Your Bed: One thing you must not do is to carry a workload to bed. Your bed is for your relaxation after your daily chores or assignment. It is for you and your partner not even your children. Avoid using phones or laptops. Your partner needs full attention, not divided attention.

4. Children: Your children should be moved to a separate room (if your finances allow you to and you have a home of more than one bedroom) when the baby is of age. The child might have been conceived in the bedroom but is not meant to live in your bedroom that is an exclusive island for two.

5. Foreplay: For ladies, it is your duty to make the move for it to be done, and done well. Do not wait for him to touch you first. Men like it more when you tell them you are set for it. Touch those spots, licks his lips, caress his fingers, shoulders, back even his third leg.

6. Praise: Everyone likes praises and wants to be praised. Cultivate the habit of praising each other. It places you both comfortable edge.

7. Prayer: See prayer as an instrument for unity and strength. Pray together before you sleep, and when you wake up. The Saint Paul says, “With God, I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.”

8. Apology: Marriage is not a law court to find one guilty. Apologize and forgive if any wrong was done during the day. Don’t sleep with a grudge or anger.

9. Understanding: Put all your senses of organ at alert to understand your partner’s body language. If you or your partner desires to do it, then rise to the occasion or wet up to the occasion; whether night, morning or noon. There is no workable time for it. The body can get set for it anytime.

10. Raw: Be raw, have pillow talks, open your heart and lips and talk intimate stuff. Cuddle up when you feel sleep is fast approaching, drown into sleep as your bodies intertwine.

11. No Equality: Nobody is above the other in marriage as both partners play their respective roles to place their relationship in better shape. Tell each other how much you mean to each other.

12. Care: Care for each other. Cover your partner incase you wake up in the middle of the night and find your partner outside the duvet/blanket.

13. Rom!antic: Be romantic. Ki!ss your partner when you come back from peeing in the middle of the night. Hold your partner close and pray when your partner wakes up.

I have no doubt that you will have a happy by exhibiting these gestures. Do not infect your relationship with Nigeria economic bankruptcy. Show some love.

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