Ogbimi denies financial allegations, describes claims as outright lies

Chairman of Delta Trust Mortgage Bank Ltd, Hon. Jude Omena Ogbimi, has reacted to the financial allegations levelled against him, describing claims as outright lies.

Ogbimi who addressed newsmen in Asaba recently, denied the allegations of financial misconduct and abuse of power, said the baseless claims are targeted to derail the reforms underway at the bank.

According to Ogbimi, the allegations published by an online newspaper, is a sensationalised article, accusing him of corruption, including moving ₦300 million to an alleged account.

In a detailed rebuttal, Delta Trust Mortgage Bank Limited Chairman received the allegations as “childish, unfounded, and in most cases outright lies,” stating that the smear campaign is an attempt to tarnish his reputation and distract from the progress being made at Delta Trust Mortgage Bank under his leadership.

Addressing the specific claims, Ogbimi refuted the assertion that he barged into the bank’s vault to conduct a cash count. He explained that, following the board’s constitution, he led a familiarisation tour of the bank’s branches in Asaba, Warri, and Abuja to assess the bank’s operations.

“During this tour, several lapses were identified, including weaknesses in accounting records and internal controls, which the board is actively addressing.’

“The allegation that I entered the vault with political aides to conduct a cash count is a blatant falsehood,” Ogbimi said.

“The board’s role is to ensure oversight and the correction of critical gaps within the bank’s operations, not to engage in illegal activities.”

Ogbimi also dismissed accusations of embezzlement, intimidation, and abuse of power, describing them as “mischievous and misleading.”

He highlighted the board’s efforts to improve the working environment for staff, including the installation of new air conditioners at the Asaba branch and renovation work at the Warri branch, which he said were met with appreciation from the employees.

“The bank’s staff were jubilant and even offered prayers for the board after these improvements,” he noted. “There is no toxic environment at Delta Trust Mortgage Bank, as alleged.”

The chairman also rejected claims that he held an excessive number of board meetings, stating that the board has only met once a month since its inception, in line with Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) guidelines.

He pointed out that, due to the absence of a functioning board for nearly a year prior to his appointment, frequent meetings were necessary to implement urgent reforms.

“It is standard practice, as stipulated by the CBN, to ensure regular oversight of the bank’s operations, especially after such a long period without board leadership,” Ogbimi stated.

On the issue of contracts, Ogbimi clarified that the board had only awarded one contract, for the renovation of the bank’s headquarters, and had not inflated or awarded any other contracts as claimed. He further explained that the decision to open an account with Premium Trust Bank was based on obtaining the best interest rates for the bank’s funds, following a thorough review of offers from several banks.

“I did not funnel money into Premium Trust Bank for personal gain. The decision was made in the best interest of Delta Trust Mortgage Bank to ensure the optimal management of its financial assets,” he asserted.

In response to the allegation of hiring unqualified personnel, Ogbimi said that employment at the bank is strictly based on qualifications and competence, and that he was not involved in the hiring process. He also dismissed claims of a romantic relationship with the head of the Abuja branch, calling the accusation “wicked and insensitive.”

“The person heading the Abuja branch has 24 years of banking experience and was hired based on merit,” he clarified.

“I have no personal relationship with her, and the bank has a strict policy against such conflicts of interest.”

Ogbimi, however, urged the public to disregard the baseless allegations and emphasised the board’s commitment to transparency and accountability. He outlined the bank’s recent achievements, including plans to open new branches in Ughelli, Ozoro, Agbor, and Sapele, which are part of the board’s strategy to expand the bank’s reach and improve its financial performance.

“The reforms we are implementing have brought accountability and transparency to the bank,” Ogbimi said. “We remain focused on elevating Delta Trust Mortgage Bank to a regional financial institution, and we will continue to serve the people of Delta State with integrity and professionalism.”

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