Bean Cake
Bean Cake

Four Easy Steps To Making Bean Cake (Akara) And How To Make Money From It –

Bean cakes are popularly known as Akara in Nigeria. It is one of the Nigerian breakfast and supper recipe made with beans.

It may go with pap, bread, Agidi, snacks and so on. The author is among the millions of people that consume bean cakes daily.

This is one of the reasons the business of making beans cake flourishes in Nigeria and Africa at large. It will interest you to note that it does not require much capital to set up the business.

In this article, we shall look at the ingredients, Tools and the Stages of making beans cake.

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The sweet taste one enjoys in bean cakes is a collective effort of various ingredients. These include Beans, Salt, Water, Crayfish, Pepper, Onion and Groundnut oil or Vegetable oil.


The instruments needed to bake beans cake are not expensive either. They are Mortar and Pestle, Frying Pan and Frying Spoon, Bowl, Sieve, and Fire.


Beans cakes preparation undergoes the following stages:

The first stage is to soften the beans by soaking it in water. The reason for soaking it is to ensure easy removal of the coat and blend.

The second stage is grinding the beans with crayfish, pepper, and onion. Though, one can slice a small amount of onion and add them together with some crayfish.

The third stage is to put some amount of vegetable or groundnut oil into the frying pan and heat up. The oil must not be too hot at the start to prevent the mixture from scattering. Put some of the ground beans into the mortar or bowl and stir up with pestle or ladle in a continuous circular motion to enable the ingredients mix up properly. You may add little water but do not make it too light. Thereafter, add salt and stir up again.

The fourth stage is to scoop the mixture in roundable sizes and put into the hot oil. Fry the underside until it turns brown and flips up with a frying spoon to fry the other side. When it turns brown, bring out from the fry pan and sieve the oil. Sell and make cool money.


As the above stages are not difficult, it is advisable to prepare Akara for family consumption before going public. You cannot become an expert with first attempt. If your first attempt is not good enough, there is an assurance that your second effort will be better.

Secondly, just as your location affects your possession, getting a strategic location will prosper you in the business. It is also helpful to study those already in the business, bearing in mind to make a difference.

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