Subsidy Removal: Why You Should Stop Complaining

Moment Of Truth with Richard.

By Richard Ugbeh –

Moment of Truth crews went out on a mission to find out from common man/woman in the streets of major towns and cities of Nigeria.

From the responses we got, we discovered that good percentage of people interviewed wasn’t after the subsidy removal but mere hatred of the people in government. Why must ‘A’ be in certain position instead of ‘B’. Infact, I don’t like to hear his name mentioned as you interview me or I leave” serious to that level?.

I pleaded before he calmed down and was able to say one or two things before I left for another person, this time a lady that sells oranges and apples. She equally complained bitterly of the sudden transportation increase occasioned by the fuel subsidy removal. As we went round, same reaction and responses.

Now the core of the matter, after independence, no government that comes into power with Rossy welcome no matter how good the intentions were, we must first condemn the party and it’s executives in POWER. It worsened when people don’t like certain names.

It has become a norm to HATE someone you don’t know, never worked in his/her establishment before, you just decide to hate him base on people’s unverified stories sold to members of the public.

Propagandists source of income, go out there tarnish his image, Pul him down and come back for your MONEY. Bad stories of someone travels faster than the good aspect of ones story. Anyway that’s the stock in Trade for propagandists nothing more.

No matter how long you complain of any government in power, there is little ordinary people in the streets can DO, instead channel your energy to key into the system, create an opportunity in the so called bad government.

No government will put food on the table free of charge after all ” NO FREE FOOD IN FREETOWN” always find good aspect of any government in power and stop the complain, you endanger yourself the more as long you see nothing attractive in government in power.

“That you cannot change, learn how to leave with it” The regime one assumed not pleasant, is same regime that made some Millionairess, Billionaire even some street hawkers made something out of the bad government.

Our mindset is the worst enermy if one is not optimistic and optimism propels one to the NEXT LEVEL. Stop being a bad commentator and Prophet of DOOM. Be a positive THINKER and see yourself GROW. Idleness, laziness gives room for condenmination and waiting for manna to fall from government.

The time spent on analysing previous and present government is enough to think many opportunities out there waiting to be explored. Nothing is hundred percent perfect, Perfection is of GOD.

Have ” I CAN” as your motto and see the magic it gives you back. I can , yes I CAN. If CAN can can, I CAN. Nothing stops you if that slogan is adopted. Complaint can’t take us anywhere, hence it MUST STOP.

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