Faith O Anekwe
Faith O Anekwe

Symptoms Of Breast Cancer And Possible Measures To Prevent It

Faith Anekwe –

The female breast is a pair of mammary glands extending from the front of the chest of a woman. It develops when a young female gets to puberty age.

The female breast is two soft parts on a woman’s chest that produce milk when she has a baby.

There are parts of the female breast:

1. Areola: This is a small area between a colored ring as about the nippie, a vesicle or pustule. It is a small circular area, in particular the ring of pigmented skin surrounding a nipple.

2. Nipple: Nipple is the protuberance of a mammary gland upon which the female lactiferous ducts open; and from which milk is drawn.

It is either one or two small, round Parts on a person’s chest that are darker in color than the area around them.

This is a serious disease caused by cells that are not normal and that can spread to the breast and other parts of the body.

One out of every 10 women will be affected by breast cancer despite the progress in diagnosis and treatment. It is the second lead cause of death among women worldwide.

Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

Different people have different symptoms of breast cancer, some people do not have any signs or symptoms at all.

Some warning signs of breast cancer are:

1. New lump in the breast or under arm ( armpit). A lump is a protuberance or localized area of swelling that can occur anywhere on the body.

When a woman experience any unusual lump in her breast or armpit, she is advised to see a doctor immediately.

2. Thickening or swollen of part of the breast. When a woman notices that her breast is becoming thicker than normal or notices a swollen part of the breast, she should see a doctor immediately.

3. Irritation or dimpling of the breast: When the breast is no longer attractive and presentable and there are some indentations with the areast, then there should be a cause for alarm.

4. The nipple area are expected to be dark in color but when it becomes reddish in color or flaky in appearance then the woman should see a doctor.

5. When there is pain in any area of the breast, keep in mind that these symptoms can happen with other conditions that are not cancer. But when the pain is constant and severe then there is a problem, the woman should see a doctor.

6. When there is any change in the size of the breast, especially an obvious change.

Intermediate Symptoms of Breast Cancer

1. Retraction or inward turning of the nipple: This means when the nipple seems to be moving into the breast in such a way that it will look as if the woman has no nipple.

2. Enlargement of one Breast: it is normal for one Breast to be slightly bigger than the other, but when one breast becomes larger on daily basis to an extent that it becomes obvious.

3. Dimple of the breast surface: This is when the breast experiences inflammation.

4. When an existing lump gets bigger on daily basis.

5. An orange peel texture to the skin: This is when the skin of the breast which is supposed to be very soft turns into a an orange peel texture.

6. Poor appetite: When the woman losses appetite, she should know that she has a problem and should be doctor.

7. Unintentional weight loss: When a woman who is not watching her weight  suddenly starts losing weight, then she needs to see a doctor.

8. Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit: This is the same thing as having enlarged lumps in a woman’s armpit.

9. Visible veins on the Breast: Normally, a woman’s Breast is full of flesh and no sign of veins but when veins suddenly starts appearing then there is a problem.

What can I do to reduce my risk of Breast cancer?

1. Limit Alcohol: The more alcohol you drink, the greater your risk of developing breast cancer.

2. Maintain a healthy weight: if your weight is healthy, work to maintain that weight.

3. Be physically active: Engage yourself in activities that will make your body healthy and balanced.

4. Breast feed: Nursing mothers should make sure they breast feed their babies at all times, while those without babies should allow their husbands suck the breast during s*x.

5. Limit postmenopausal hormone therapy: This is a form of hormone therapy used to treat symptoms associated with female menopause.

Note: A lump that is hard with irregular edges is more likely to be cancerous. Having one or more of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean a woman have breast cancer, Nipple discharge for example can also be caused by an infection, see a doctor for a complete evaluation if you experience any of these signs or symptoms.


Breast self examination is good to enable a woman become familiar with her breast and point out variations to a doctor.

Steps involved in self examination. This should be done after every menstrual period.

Stand in front of a mirror:

1. Pay attention to the contour of each breast. Make certain you see no variations in their usual shape. Examine the skin paying for to wrinkled or depressed areas.

2. Raise your arms, check the appearance of your breasts.

3. Place your hands on your hips and contract your pectoral muscles.

4. Lie down on a flat surface with a pillow under your left shoulder, place your left hand under the back of your neck. This will help flatten your breasts. Carry out the palpation with your right hand

5. With an open hand and tracing a lot movement from the outer edge to the center of your breasts, gently but deeply press with your finger tips.

6. Now explore the space between your breast and armpit, you can do this sitted, raise your arm, using your other hand, palpate the whole area and be sure you don’t feel any lump.

7. Last, using your fingers, gently press your nipples, make sure there are no secretions, if there are secretions, blot them with a white handkerchief and show your doctor.

A person may notice a change in their breast when they perform a monthly Breast examination or when minor abnormal pain doesn’t seem to go away.

With these, women can reduce the high rate of Breast cancer in the world.

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