The Book Entitled, “Tell Your Parents the Truth” by Odili Ogochukwu

The novel, Tell Your Parents the Truth, written by Odili Ogochukwu explores themes of family, relationships, and vital issues in school environment.

It is a credible exploration of the complexities of parent-child relationships and the importance of honesty and communication. The book has received accolades for its thought-provoking and engaging storytelling, offering insights into civil liability and society.

The short fiction tells a story of Ugonna and Enuma who are deeply committed to achieving height of excellence academically amidst the thorns on their path.

Teacher James’ tenderness is a honey that neutralizes bitter pills. He provided Ugonna and his friend the platform to excel without restrictions. Mr James, afterwards, becomes a formidable instrument and a ladder for the children to ascend to the sky.

Nevertheless, truth is a light everyone sees when it shines. Lies and deceits set in after the innocent children were forced to join a secret group in the school. Consequently, they miss the train of honor on account of falsehood despite their parents unwavering support and trust. A copy of the book tells more story.

Tell Your Parents the Truth is recommended by Delta State Ministry of Education, Asaba, for examination of primary six pupils in the state.

Truth enhances integrity, ethical behavior and upholds moral principles, helping to reduce the risk of harmful choices. Tell Your Parents the Truth is a must read book.

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