Fellowship is the strength of a relationship. It is one of the major essence of relationship. We are created by God for fellowship. By fellowship we are made to survive.
Fellowship empowers and sustains relationship with God. The word fellowship according to an Oxford Learned Dictionary means a friendly association, especially with someone who shares one interest with you.
We as children of God share the same interest with God because God’swill should be our will and his ways should be our way for we are one with Christ as Christ is one with God.
However, meeting one on one with God for a common purpose is called fellowship.
To fellowship with God is to associate one’s self with Him by prayer, worship, through his written or spoken word and meditations among others.
One thing is to have a fellowship with God, another thing is to have an intimacy with Him.
When your relationship with God grows to a high level of friendship, your association with Him becomes a lifestyle.
When you aligned with God in fellowship and in partnership, you are intimate with him. Intimacy is the act of developing and maintaining a relationship with God.
It is a consistent, reliable and consecrated walk with God. Such level of relationship with God is demanded in our walk with God.
Not until you become intimate and maintain fellowship with God, you can’t do much for God and much can not achieved in you.
God releases his resources to those intimate with him.
He entrust so much to them. Intimacy brings trust, and fellowship brings love. When you are intimate with God, your love for him grows stronger and his love for you multiplies.
We have past the Era of nominal Christianity, the time of religiousity is over for them that must worship God must do it in truth and in spirit with all their might, heart and strength.
Our relationship with God must be serious and intentional. God is calling us for a deeper work with Him. A lot is expected of us as believers and christians.
For the ernest creations awaits the manifestations of the sons of God but we can’t express the nature and power of God if we are not friends with God or if we are not intimate with him.
The Bible says that friendship with God is a prove of our love for Him and it means we are enemies to the world corrupted systems. It is friendship with God that produces intimacy.
Intimacy and friendship with God is powered by prayers, total detachment with worldly acfiliations and dedication to things of God.
We must be separated from the world and committed to God in prayers.
A demand is placed on us strongly to pray. This is a time to fast and pray.
Your purpose remains on hold until it is birthed in prayer. We must learn to build ourselves up in our faith while in journey to our walk with God. There’s a need to travail.
Jude 1 vs 20 says when there’s no man to pray, evil will prevail. The moment you start praying, darkness fades and wickedness seize. We find rest with God. In the place of prayer we purchase direction in prayer.
When you pray in the Holy Ghost consistently, you are building your future.
1 thessalonian 5 vs 17 says that the deep calleth we need to submit on the beckonings of elyon.
God want us to transact in deep intercourse. James 5 vs 13 says that the altar of prayer is a market place for different transactions and exchanges both foreign and local either by trade by barter or by currency or asset.
We should press to secure our future in groaning like jacob . Stay in ur ecosystem and don’t despise your place of encounter. Pressing deeper in the well of the spirit kills and burns lust it banishes weakness.
Men that interact and relate with God are immunized. You can dare to come close Isaiah 59 vs 19 . Psalm 105 vs 12-18. Enemies only prevail when u sleep Matthew 13 vs 25.
You don’t connect on the stage u come to the stage connected. You make the decision of today by yesterday.
Engr Pastor Jerry Dike writes from Dominion City Church, Ogwashi Uku.