U.S Senators Query Elon Musk For Sharing Private Contents

Afimag.com –

Two Senators from United States of America have expressed their dissatisfaction over the poor conduct of the chief executive officer of Tesla Inc’s, Elon Musk, towards customers’ privacy.

The Senators wrote to Musk querying his sharing of sensitive images recorded by cameras in customers’ vehicles.

A letter signed by Senators Edward J. Markey and Richard Blumenthal described Musk’s action as unacceptable, claiming that it violated the rights to privacy.

It said, “This apparent willful disregard for the privacy of Tesla customers is unacceptable and raises serious questions about Tesla’s management practices.

“We urge you to take all necessary actions to ensure that any images or videos consensually collected from Tesla vehicles are subject to strict privacy safeguards.”

The letter also cited the investigation carried out by media outlets which said that between 2019 to 2022, groups of Tesla employees have circulated private contents and sometimes highly invasive recordings from customers’ car cameras through her internal messaging system.

According to the letter accessed online by Africa Investigative Magazine, the recordings comprised of a child struck by a Tesla vehicle while riding a bicycle and a man approaching a car completely n3ked.

The company further disseminated a footage on a submersible vehicle parked inside a garage that had been captured in a James Bond film which was purchased by Musk.

The letter which emanated from Markey and Blumenthal of Democrats, however, directed Musk to respond to the questions on or before May 05, 2023, on why it shared camera images.

It also queried Musk whether Tesla executives are knowledgeable about the practice, and why its internal policies had failed to address it.

The concerned senators also wondered why the company will commit to ensuring that vehicle camera recordings don’t identify the location of Tesla customers.

Recall that Markey and Blumenthal, recently, expressed concerns about Tesla and her marketing practices as well as the safety of its automated driving technology.

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