Why Katsina Governor-Elect Won’t Use ‘His Excellency’ Title

Afimag.com –

The Katsina State Governor-Elect, Umaru Dikko Radda, has rejected the ‘His Excellency Title’, as the governor of the state, saying that he preferred to be addressed as ‘the governor’ or by his name.

Radda who disclosed this in an interactive session with journalists in Abuja, said from his performance in office, the people of Katsina can decide whether he is excellent or not.

Recall that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) declared Dikko Radda of All Progressives Congress (APC) winner of the Katsina State guber election, saying he garnered 859,892 votes to floor his closest challenger, Yakubu Lado of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), who pulled 486,620 votes.

According to Katsina Governor-Elect, one should be addressed as ‘His Excellency’ when his/her policies and programmes as a governor reflected the true feelings and mandates of the people who voted him into power.

While saying that he does not want to be carried away by the tile, Radda told the journalist that the end of his administration will determine whether he deserves the ‘His Excellency title’.

“I don’t like the word Excellency because one can only be called an Excellency after the administration has ended, at that time people will determine whether I am Excellent or not. So, I think it’s better people should call me Mr. Governor than to call me His Excellency, I will prefer that and that will not put my head somewhere.

“I want to be as normal as anybody because I don’t want that thing (Excellency) to get into my head, that’s why I don’t want the world Excellency attached to my name now but I will prefer if people can call me Mr. Governor or my name Mallam Dikko Radda,” he said.

According to him: “I think it’s just a responsibility that someone has to do. And when I was declared the winner and when I saw the overwhelming victory that I received in my state, it gave me joy but sometimes with a mixed feeling that the people of Katsina State have now given me the mandate.

“What is left is for me to deliver on the mandate and I know that the people of Katsina have a lot of hope in me; they believe in me, they have given me their mandate.

“I think a year before I aspired to become a governor, I already had my blueprint. We call it Building a Future. Our focus area is insecurity. We Want to tackle the issue of security in Katsina State. This is our major area of concern.

“Secondly, we want to also reform the public service. Public Service needs to be reformed. We need to digitalise it, we need to provide training or retraining of our public servants because they are the bridge within which you can be able to carry out your policies.

“If you don’t reform the public service, you cannot be able to carry your policy down to the local level. We also want to look at education which is also a cardinal part of any development in any nation.

“Healthcare is also our major concern because when you look at the social aspect of our society, because of this insurgency, there are so many people who are displaced from their houses, there are so many old men who cannot care for themselves.”

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Ann David
Ann David
1 year ago

You sound like a true leader sir. One who feels the pain of his people and also ready to relieve that pain. I pray that God helps you achieve your plans “Mr Governor”

Last edited 1 year ago by Ann David