Christ Not Born On Dec 25: See The Real Reasons For Christmas Celebration

By Faith Anekwe –

Christmas celebration started when pagans were celebrating the birth of Mithra, their sun god on 25th December. This was a pagan’s practice. In order to put an end to such practice, Christians started celebrating the birth of the son of God on same day.

Christ is truly God and truly man, he was begotten by God: as a son of God, but for the salvation of man. God sent him to the world, and in order to come into the world, he has to come through a human .

That was what gave way to the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom the son of God was to be born by. God made Him to be conceived in the womb of the virgin Mary, where he took human’s flesh and was born.

Talking about the Christmas day (25th December), Christmas is celebrated on that day to abolish the celebration of the birth of the sun god by pagans.

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It doesn’t mean that Christ was born on 25th December. Some Orthodox Christians mark their Christmas day on 7th January. Celebrating Christmas is necessary because that is the Commemoration of the day salvation came to man.

Referring to the Catholic Hymn Book 176: “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, “the fourth line tried to call to mind the meaning of Christmas, “GOD AND SINNERS RECONCILE”.

The birth of Christ brought about reconciliation between God and men, this calls for celebration.

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Giving an example with a prisoner who has been in prison for a very long time and has lost all hope of freedom, all of a sudden, a man comes to him and say “I am here to set you free and bring you out of the prison. The prisoner will be filled with joy and will start celebrating.

Celebrating Christmas is commemorating the birth of Christ (God taking flesh and dwelling among us) and the gift of Salvation. We commemorate the incarnation of God who became man for our sake.

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Christmas is essential in every Christian’s life. It reminds us of the incarnation and  how God brought himself so low to become man, just to save us.

This period should bring us to our knees and reflect on how much God loves us (John 3 verse 16)

Christians as a matter of importance are obliged to commemorate the birth of Christ which brought salvation to us. It has become so sad that this period of reflection has been turned into a time of overfeeding, drunkenness, fornication, adultery, stealing, kidnappings, end of year sacrifices and so on.

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