Eight Plants That Naturally Serve As Mosquitoes Repellent

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Mosquito is an everyday flying insect found in most parts of the globe. More than 3,500 types of mosquitoes exist in the universe. Meanwhile, not all mosquitoes bite people or animals. When mosquitoes bite people, the most common reactions to the bite are itching, swelling and malaria.

Mosquitoes are breed in standing water. So the first and most important step in controlling them is to find all of the places where water can accumulate on your property. You can help reduce the mosquito population around your home since some mosquitoes, such as the Asian tiger mosquito or the Southern house mosquito, typically fly only a few hundred feet from their breeding areas.

However, there are some natural means of keeping mosquitoes away from garden, home, or environment. Below are eight plants that serve as mosquito repellent.

1. Catnip: Catnip plant naturally fends off mosquitoes from an environment. Its oils help to keep mosquitoes away. You can grow catnip or purchase it from gardeners. You can also make your own mosquito repellent using catnip oil. Simply add a few drops of catnip oil to a carrier oil, such as olive oil. Apply the mixture to your skin to scale away mosquitos and other stubborn flies and thick insects.

2. Citronella: Citronella grass has a strong citrus smell. Its scent helps in keeping mosquitoes away. It is oftentimes used as mosquito repellents. Citronella can be grown in the garden or in pots. It does best in warm and humid climates. In cold winters regions, one can grow it near to the indoors.

3. Lemongrass: The oil from this plant serves as insecticide. Lemongrass oil can be diffused into the air or applied directly to the skin. It is a safe and effective way to keep mosquitoes away.

4. Lavender: Lavender has been a widespread choice for mosquito control measure because of its efficacy and good scent. Mosquitoes are also repulsed by the scent of lavender. Planting lavender close to your home can help to keep mosquitos off your area. You can also put some lavender oil on your skin to repel mosquitoes.

According to Gardenbeds, Lavender is not only effective at repelling mosquitoes, but it is also a beautiful plant. It can add a nice touch of color to your garden. Lavender is easy to care for and it does not require a lot of water. It is a good choice for people who want an attractive and effective mosquito repellent.

According to him, Lavender has a strong floral scent that helps to keep mosquitoes away. Lavender can be grown in your garden or in pots. It does best in warm, dry climates. If you live in an area with cold winters, you can grow lavender indoors.

Overall, plants that repel mosquitoes naturally can help to keep your home and garden mosquito-free. Citronella and lavender are two great options.

5. Rosemary: Rosemary is a beautiful flower that will naturally set one free from the aggression of mosquitoes. The substantial aroma of rosemary helps to keep mosquitoes missing. This plant is easy to grow and can be used in many different ways. You can add rosemary to your cooking or use it to make a mosquito repellent spray.

6. Mint: Just as citronella, this plant can also help to keep these pests away. It also has a strong lemon scent that helps to set off unwanted mosquitoes from the garden.

7. Basil: Basil is a a prevalent herb that is used in numerous dishes. Hence, it is crucial to note that it can also help to repel mosquitoes. It contains a compound called Citronellol, which is active at repelling mosquitoes. You can grow basil in your garden or keep a pot of it on your porch or patio. When the leaves are crushed, they release their natural mosquito-repelling properties.

If you want to take things one step further, you can make your own mosquito repellent with basil. Just mix equal parts water and basil essential oil. Then, apply the mixture to your skin before going outside.

8. Peppermint: Peppermint is a plant that naturally repels mosquitoes. It had intense scent that bewilders and deters mosquitoes, making it an ideal plant to have around your home if you’re looking to keep them away. Peppermint is easy to grow and can be planted in pots or in your garden. You can also purchase peppermint oil, which can be used to create a mosquito-repelling spray for your home.

To use peppermint oil as a mosquito repellent, simply add a few drops to a diffuser or spray bottle filled with water. You can also rub the oil directly on your skin, although it may be necessary to reapply it more often than other mosquito repellents.

Peppermint is a safe and effective way to repel mosquitoes. However, it’s important to note that mint plants can be invasive, so make sure to plant them in an area where they won’t spread too much.

9. Sage: This plant has been used as mosquito repellent as it contains a compound called camphor, which is known to repel mosquitoes. Sage can be grown at the backyard or in pots. If you choose to grow sage in pots, make sure to put them in an area where they will get plenty of sun. The dried sage leaves I’m an be bought from most health food stores.

To use sage as a mosquito repellent, simply rub the leaves on your skin or burn them in a fire pit. There are several plants that can be used to repel mosquitoes naturally. Some of the most effective include citronella, catnip, and marigolds.

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