Has 86fb Football Gambling Ponzi investment crashed already? Is 86fb Football Ponzi Investment still paying? 86fb Football withdrawal and payment issues
86fb Football is currently having payment issues at the time of creating this post and they are currently not paying out to their members but their website is still available, they claim this is only a temporary issue but the crash of many Ponzi schemes usually starts like this with maintenance issues, compliance issues, website issues, payment issues.
Believe it or not,
The goal of every business is to make money,
Once a website like this (Ponzi schemes) starts having Withdrawal issues the next thought on every members head is how to withdraw ASAP so they won’t lose out.
If the admins eventually fix the issue everyone will start placing withdrawals once the website is up and only a few will be depositing back.
Once the admins notice this then they would not allow themselves to be at a loss so they’ll stop processing payment and boom the website would crash.
Afimag has been announcing for almost a month now that 86fb is a Ponzi scheme read our full review here but everyone seems to be comfortable with it because of temporary benefits, those benefits always end up being lost when the Ponzi closes down
IFC denied 86fb football on Twitter and we warned the public about it, Read more here
What you should know, for every 10 persons that escapes the crash of a Ponzi scheme 100 more has been trapped, for every 100 that escapes, 1000 more has been trapped
You don’t want to keep making such financial mistakes,
Follow experienced persons who can smell Ponzi Schemes from a distance
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