January 23: Full Text Of Pst. E Adeboye’s Prayer Points For Fulfillment

DAY 13 – Sun, Jan 23rd, 2022

BIBLE TEXT: Isa.8:18, Heb 2:13
Prophecy to a family, is a message from God to man, telling man what will
happen in the future which may be directly from God or through his prophet.

1. Father, thank you for your grace and mercy that my family enjoys everyday in Jesus name. Psa.107:1-2

2. Father, thank you for your love for my family in Jesus name. Isa 43:4

3. Father, thank you for your grace, favour and mercy that delivered my family from destruction in Jesus name. Gen 6:8.

4. Father, thank you for your mercy that single out my family for blessing in
Jesus name. Gen.26:12-14.

5. Father, thank you for making my family a chosen generation in Jesus name.

6. Father, thank you for making my family for signs and for wonders in Jesus name. Isa 8:18.

Read Also: See Pastor E Adeboye’s Message On January 02, 2022 Thanksgiving Service (Full Text)

7. Father, thank you for not allowing gross darkness of the enemies to cover my family in Jesus name. Isa 60:2.

8. Father, have mercy upon my family and break every yoke of hopelessness in my family in Jesus name. 1ki.17:12-16.

9. Father, have mercy upon my family and terminate barrenness in Jesus name. Gen.18:10-14, 21:1-3.

10.Father, have mercy upon my family and protect us against the attack of the enemies in Jesus name. Isa 37:33-35.

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11.Father, have mercy upon my family and help us to complete all the abandoned projects this year as you have prophesied in Jesus name. Zech.4:9.

12.Father, have mercy upon my family and protect us against sickness and disease as you have prophesied this year in Jesus name. Deut.7:15.

13.Father, have mercy upon my family and make us like a tree planted by the rivers of water in Jesus name. Psa 1:3.

14.Father, arise and let every wasters of joy, blessings be destroyed in my family in Jesus name. Isa 54:16.

15.Father, every weapon fashioned against the fulfilment of your prophesies and good thoughts for my family shall not prosper in Jesus name. Isa 43:17.

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