MOMENT OF TRUTH with Richard.
Richard Ugbeh –
I did it for GOD nothing more. I’m not expecting anything in return. Yes, good to hear while we appreciate the donor. Actually not all assistance rendered deserves something in return. I have discovered also that greater percentage of the assistance rendered in cash or kind is like sowing a seed in the hands of the receiver.
Let’s take few examples to buttress the reason of paying back. You assisted one in getting a good job which was internally advertised in the establishment you work.
Both of you were there, though, different department suddenly retrenchment came due to government policy and you were shown the way out while the young man you assisted some years back was fortunate not affected by the ill wind.
Months later, he was promoted to AGM operations, now a big Oga with many benefits.
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The fellow who assisted him few years back could not afford the rent for a room & palour, children school fees, feeding in jeopardy and his friend who is now AGM is aware. Does he need to be told that his former colleague needs assistance?
Even if he didn’t ask, it’s dawn on him to think back and remember how he came to the company and DO SOMETHING to that family. It is time to pay back in his little ways.
It will be highly appreciated. ln every field of human endeavor, assistance can be rendered to one because of tomorrow. In case things turn around, one can look towards another direction for help.
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We do it for God through man. We shouldn’t deceive ourselves. There’s always time to pay back. The attitude of ingratitude has brought alot of ill feelings towards the once assisted individuals who are in vantage position to reciprocate but look the other side.
Lean on me when you are not strong, there are so many ungrateful elements out there, without a conscience that doesn’t give a dam they forget easily. Please let’s be our brothers keeper.
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Assistance to one in need gladdens God’s heart and almighty has something for that person. Politicians remember the masses that voted for you. There’s life after government or private work.
Reasons why some people refused or reluctantly to come home after many years in the city is because of the lives leaved . During their hay days they didn’t impact on anybody, assistance wasn’t in their dictionary, arrogant and pompous, never say anything good about his people, outsiders were his best choice, Now age has come, you must come back to your ancestral home to reap the fruit of your Labour.
Moment of Truth, your report card determines how you will be treated. it’s not a crime to pay back when necessary. Always remember people behind the time of little beginning.